.1SC File Extension

.1SC File Extension

Bio-Rad Quantity One Gel Image

Developer Bio-Rad

Average rating 3.5 / 5. Vote count: 2

Category Raster Image Files
Format .1SC
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an 1SC file?

The .1SC file extension is associated with Bio-Rad’s Quantity One software, specifically used for storing gel images captured during electrophoresis experiments.

These files are essential in molecular biology and biochemistry laboratories, aiding researchers in visualizing and analyzing DNA, RNA, and protein samples separated through electrophoresis techniques.

More Information.

The Quantity One software was introduced by Bio-Rad to streamline the process of analyzing gel images obtained from various gel documentation systems.

It provided researchers with tools for quantifying bands, measuring molecular weights, and performing statistical analysis directly on the digital images, reducing reliance on traditional manual methods.

Origin Of This File.

Bio-Rad’s Quantity One software was developed to support the analysis of gel electrophoresis images, which are crucial in biological research for studying molecular weights, concentrations, and purity of biomolecules.

The .1SC file format was designed to save these images along with associated metadata to facilitate accurate analysis and reproducibility of experimental results.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The ‘.1SC file’ stores a range of data crucial for gel analysis, including:

  • Image Data: Pixel information capturing the visual representation of gel bands.
  • Metadata: Information about the experiment settings, such as exposure time, filter settings, and experimental notes.
  • Analysis Results: Quantitative data derived from the gel, including band intensities, molecular weight standards, and lane profiles.

The format itself is proprietary to Bio-Rad and optimized for storing high-resolution images necessary for precise analysis in molecular biology research.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .1SC files to more widely supported formats like TIFF or JPEG can be achieved through Bio-Rad’s Quantity One software:

  1. Open Quantity One: Launch the Quantity One software on your computer.
  2. Load .1SC File: Open the .1SC file you wish to convert.
  3. Export as TIFF or JPEG: Use the export feature within Quantity One to save the file in TIFF or JPEG format.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Quantitative Analysis: Enables precise measurement and quantification of bands, aiding in accurate molecular weight determination and concentration estimation.
  • Reproducibility: Digital format allows for easy replication of experiments and sharing of results.
  • Integration: Integrates with other Bio-Rad software and laboratory equipment for seamless data management.


  • Proprietary Format: Requires specific software (Quantity One) to open and analyze .1SC files, limiting accessibility without the appropriate tools.
  • File Size: Images captured at high resolutions can lead to large file sizes, potentially impacting storage and transfer efficiency.

How to Open 1SC?

Open In Windows

  • Use Quantity One software installed on a Windows PC to open and analyze ‘.1SC’ files natively.

Open In Linux

  • Similar to macOS, run Quantity One through compatibility software or virtual machines that support Windows applications.

Open In MAC

  • Install Quantity One in a virtualized Windows environment or use compatibility software like Wine to run it on macOS.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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