.3DMDEF File Extension

.3DMDEF File Extension

3DMark Definition File

Developer FutureMark

Average rating 3 / 5. Vote count: 2

Category Data Files
Format .3DMDEF
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an 3DMDEF file?

.3DMDEF file extension is primarily associated with 3D modeling software, particularly with applications like Rhino3D, developed by McNeel & Associates.

These files serve as definitions or references within Rhino3D projects, encapsulating various elements such as geometry, textures, materials, and transformations necessary for rendering complex 3D scenes accurately.

More Information.

The .3DMDEF file extension was introduced as part of Rhino3D’s feature set to address the challenges associated with managing large-scale 3D projects.

Its initial purpose was to provide a means for users to create modular and reusable components within their designs, thereby enhancing workflow efficiency and facilitating collaboration among team members.

By segregating various elements of a 3D scene into distinct .3DMDEF files, users could achieve better organization, version control, and scalability in their projects.

Origin Of This File.

The genesis of the .3DMDEF file extension traces back to the development of Rhino3D, a versatile and powerful 3D modeling tool widely used across industries ranging from architecture and industrial design to animation and visual effects.

As the software evolved to cater to diverse user needs, the necessity for an efficient method to manage and reference complex 3D data within projects became apparent. Thus, the .3DMDEF format emerged as a solution to encapsulate and organize these elements effectively.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .3DMDEF file format is structured to store metadata and references to external resources rather than containing actual geometry or texture data.

This lightweight approach allows for efficient management of complex 3D scenes without bloating file sizes.

The technical specification of the .3DMDEF format includes:

  1. Metadata: Information about the contents of the file, including object names, transformation matrices, and material properties.
  2. References: Pointers to external resources such as geometry files (.obj, .fbx), texture maps (.jpg, .png), and material libraries (.mtl).
  3. Hierarchy: Hierarchical structure defining the relationships between different elements within the file, facilitating scene organization and manipulation.
  4. Compatibility: Support for backward and forward compatibility, ensuring interoperability with different versions of Rhino3D and other 3D software that may adopt the .3DMDEF format.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .3DMDEF files may be necessary to ensure compatibility with other software or to share projects across different platforms.

While there isn’t a direct conversion method for .3DMDEF files due to their nature as references or definitions rather than containing actual geometry or texture data, the process involves exporting the referenced components to standard formats like .obj or .fbx using Rhino3D or similar software.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to convert .3DMDEF files:

  1. Open Rhino3D: Launch Rhino3D on your computer. If you don’t have Rhino3D installed, you can download and install it from the official McNeel & Associates website.
  2. Load .3DMDEF File: Use the File > Open command within Rhino3D to load the .3DMDEF file you wish to convert. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the file into the Rhino3D workspace.
  3. Identify Referenced Components: Once the .3DMDEF file is loaded, identify the referenced components such as geometry, textures, and materials within the project. These components are typically linked or embedded within the .3DMDEF file.
  4. Export Geometry: Select the geometry objects referenced in the .3DMDEF file that you want to convert. You can do this by clicking on the objects in the Rhino3D viewport or by using the selection tools.
  5. Export Texture Maps: If the .3DMDEF file references texture maps, ensure they are properly linked to the geometry objects. Rhino3D provides options to manage texture mapping and export texture maps along with the geometry.
  6. Choose Export Format: Once you’ve selected the desired components, navigate to the File > Export menu in Rhino3D and choose the appropriate export format. Common formats for 3D geometry include .obj (Wavefront OBJ) and .fbx (Autodesk FBX).
  7. Set Export Options: Depending on the chosen export format, Rhino3D may present you with various export options such as units, scale, and coordinate system. Adjust these settings according to your requirements and preferences.
  8. Specify File Name and Location: After configuring the export options, specify the file name and location where you want to save the converted file. Ensure to choose a location that is easily accessible and organized.
  9. Export the File: Click on the “Export” or “Save” button to initiate the export process. Rhino3D will convert the selected components to the chosen format and save the file to the specified location on your computer.
  10. Verify Conversion: Once the export process is complete, navigate to the location where you saved the converted file and verify its contents using compatible software. Ensure that the geometry, textures, and materials are intact and accurately represented in the new format.

By following these steps, you can successfully convert .3DMDEF files to standard formats like .obj or .fbx, allowing for compatibility with a wide range of 3D modeling and rendering software.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Modularity: Enables the creation of modular components that can be reused across different projects, reducing redundancy and saving time.
  2. Scalability: Facilitates the management of large-scale 3D scenes by allowing users to break them down into smaller, more manageable components.
  3. Interoperability: Supports interoperability with other 3D software through the use of standard formats for geometry, textures, and materials.
  4. Version Control: Simplifies version control and collaboration by segregating scene elements into distinct files that can be easily tracked and managed.


  1. Dependency Management: Requires careful management of dependencies on external resources, as changes to referenced files may impact the integrity of the .3DMDEF file.
  2. Complexity: Introduces additional complexity to the workflow, particularly for novice users who may struggle with organizing and linking multiple .3DMDEF files.
  3. Performance Overhead: In some cases, referencing external resources may incur a performance overhead, especially when dealing with large datasets or high-resolution textures.

How to Open 3DMDEF?

Open In Windows

  1. Install Rhino3D: Download and install Rhino3D from the official McNeel & Associates website. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
  2. Open .3DMDEF File: Double-click on the .3DMDEF file you wish to open. If Rhino3D is set as the default application for .3DMDEF files, it will automatically launch and load the file. Alternatively, launch Rhino3D and use the File > Open command to navigate to the location of the .3DMDEF file.

Open In Linux

  1. Explore Compatibility Options: Rhino3D is not officially supported on Linux. However, you can explore compatibility options such as using compatibility layers like Wine or virtualization software like VirtualBox to run Rhino3D on Linux.
  2. Alternative Software: Consider using alternative 3D modeling software available for Linux that supports the .3DMDEF file format, or explore conversion options to import .3DMDEF files into compatible formats for use in Linux-native applications.

Open In MAC

  1. Download Rhino3D for macOS: Visit the official McNeel & Associates website and download the macOS version of Rhino3D. Install the software by following the provided instructions.
  2. Launch Rhino3D: After installation, launch Rhino3D from the Applications folder or using Spotlight search.
  3. Open .3DMDEF File: Use the File > Open command within Rhino3D to browse for the .3DMDEF file you wish to open. Select the file and click “Open” to load it into Rhino3D.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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