Mass Effect Saved Game

Developer Electronic Arts

Average rating 4 / 5. Vote count: 5

Category Game Files
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an MASSEFFECTSAVE file?

.MASSEFFECTSAVE files serve as the lifeblood of the Mass Effect gaming experience, encapsulating the progress, choices, and achievements of players throughout their adventure.

Each file represents a unique save point within the game, preserving the state of the game world at a specific moment in time.

From character customization and inventory management to pivotal story decisions, every aspect of a player’s journey is encapsulated within these files.

More Information.

When Mass Effect debuted, it introduced players to a sprawling science fiction universe teeming with alien civilizations, political intrigue, and moral dilemmas.

The .MASSEFFECTSAVE files were conceived as a means to empower players, allowing them to shape their own narrative through a series of impactful choices.

Whether it was forging alliances with alien species, navigating complex interpersonal relationships, or determining the fate of entire civilizations, every decision made by the player was reflected in their .MASSEFFECTSAVE files.

Origin Of This File.

The inception of the .MASSEFFECTSAVE file extension can be traced back to the development of the original Mass Effect game by BioWare, released in 2007.

As the studio sought to create an immersive and narrative-driven experience, the need arose for a robust save system that could seamlessly preserve the player’s progress.

Thus, the .MASSEFFECTSAVE format was born, designed to store a comprehensive snapshot of the game state.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.MASSEFFECTSAVE files are binary files that adhere to a specific structure tailored to the intricacies of the Mass Effect game engine. At their core, these files contain data pertaining to various aspects of the game, including:

  1. Character attributes and statistics.
  2. Inventory items and equipment.
  3. Quest progress and completed objectives.
  4. Relationship statuses with non-player characters.
  5. Dialogue choices and story branching points.

The structure of .MASSEFFECTSAVE files is optimized for efficient storage and retrieval, allowing the game to seamlessly load and parse the relevant data during gameplay. Additionally, these files are encrypted to prevent tampering and ensure the integrity of the player’s progress.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .MASSEFFECTSAVE files to other formats is not a common practice due to their proprietary nature and close integration with the Mass Effect game engine.

Players may utilize third-party modding tools and utilities to extract, modify, or manipulate the data contained within .MASSEFFECTSAVE files for specific purposes, such as tweaking character attributes or unlocking in-game content.

1. Modding Tools: Various modding tools and utilities have been developed by the Mass Effect community, enabling players to interact with .MASSEFFECTSAVE files on compatible platforms. These tools often provide functionalities such as extracting, modifying, and managing save data. Popular examples include:

  • Gibbed’s Mass Effect Save Editor: A comprehensive save editor developed by Rick Gibbed, offering a wide range of features for modifying .MASSEFFECTSAVE files. Users can edit character attributes, inventory items, quest progress, and more.
  • ME3Explorer: A modding framework designed for Mass Effect 3, ME3Explorer includes tools for exploring, extracting, and editing various game files, including .MASSEFFECTSAVE files.
  • Mass Effect Save Importer: This tool allows users to import .MASSEFFECTSAVE files from previous games in the Mass Effect series into Mass Effect 3, facilitating continuity across multiple playthroughs.

2. File Conversion: While direct conversion of .MASSEFFECTSAVE files to other formats is not typically supported, modding tools may offer the ability to export or convert save data into a more accessible format. However, it’s essential to exercise caution when manipulating save data, as improper modifications can potentially corrupt save files or disrupt gameplay.

3. Community Forums and Resources: Online communities dedicated to the Mass Effect series often provide resources, tutorials, and guides for modding and manipulating .MASSEFFECTSAVE files. These forums can be valuable sources of information and assistance for players seeking to customize their gaming experience.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Persistence of Progress: Players can save their progress at any point in the game, allowing them to resume their adventure at their convenience.
  2. Choice and Consequence: The ability to save multiple playthroughs enables players to explore different story paths and witness the consequences of their decisions.
  3. Customization and Experimentation: Players can experiment with character builds, dialogue choices, and gameplay strategies without fear of permanent consequences.


  1. File Size: Over time, .MASSEFFECTSAVE files can accumulate significant data, leading to larger file sizes and longer load times.
  2. Compatibility Issues: .MASSEFFECTSAVE files may not be compatible across different game versions or platforms, limiting their portability.
  3. Dependency on Game Stability: Corruption or loss of .MASSEFFECTSAVE files due to game crashes or technical issues can result in the loss of progress and frustration for players.


Open In Windows

  • In-Game: Within the Mass Effect game interface on Windows, players can access the save/load menu to create, load, or delete .MASSEFFECTSAVE files.
  • Modding Tools: Third-party modding tools and utilities developed for Windows, such as Gibbed’s Mass Effect Save Editor or ME3Explorer, enable users to extract, modify, and manage .MASSEFFECTSAVE files.

Open In Linux

  • Wine: Wine, a compatibility layer for running Windows applications on Linux, may enable users to execute Windows-based modding tools for interacting with .MASSEFFECTSAVE files. However, compatibility and performance may vary depending on the specific tools and configurations.

Open In MAC

  • Emulation: Emulation software and virtualization environments on Mac OS may allow users to run the Mass Effect game, facilitating access to .MASSEFFECTSAVE files. Tools like Wine or CrossOver may provide compatibility with Windows-based modding tools.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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