.MPQ File Extension

.MPQ File Extension

Blizzard Mo'PaQ File

Developer Blizzard Entertainment

Average rating 4.1 / 5. Vote count: 95

Category Game Files
Format .MPQ
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an MPQ file?

.MPQ files are archive files used primarily by Blizzard Entertainment in their games to store game data, such as graphics, sound files, and maps. These files are designed for efficient storage and access of game assets during gameplay.

More Information.

.MPQ files were created to streamline the storage and access of game assets. They allowed game developers to compress and organize large amounts of game data into a single file, enhancing game performance and reducing loading times.

Origin Of This File.

The .MPQ file format was developed by Blizzard Entertainment and first introduced in their game “Diablo” in 1996. Since then, it has been used in various Blizzard games, including Warcraft series, StarCraft series, and World of Warcraft.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.MPQ files use a proprietary file format that includes a file header followed by various chunks of compressed or uncompressed data. They can contain multiple types of files including textures, models, scripts, and configuration files. The structure often includes an index table that facilitates quick access to the files within the archive.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Use tools like MPQ editors such as Ladik’s MPQ Editor or Blizzard’s own tools like MPQ Extractor.
  2. These tools allow you to open .MPQ files, extract their contents, and sometimes modify them.


  1. Utilize Wine to run Windows-based MPQ editors like Ladik’s MPQ Editor.
  2. Alternatively, look for native Linux tools that support .MPQ file extraction, though options may be limited compared to Windows.


  1. Blizzard provides an MPQ Editor specifically for macOS, which you can download from their official website.
  2. Use this tool to open .MPQ files, extract their contents, and manage game assets as needed.


  1. Look for applications available on the Google Play Store that support .MPQ files, often designed for game data extraction.
  2. These apps typically allow you to open .MPQ files associated with games and extract their contents for various purposes.

Convert on iOS:

  1. Search for apps in the App Store that are capable of handling .MPQ files, particularly those related to games available on iOS.
  2. These apps can help you extract and manage game assets stored in .MPQ format on your iOS device.

Other Platforms:

  1. Check if specific tools or emulators are available that support .MPQ files.
  2. Depending on the platform and game support, you may need to use specialized software or emulation environments to handle .MPQ files effectively.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Efficient storage of game assets.
  • Faster access times during gameplay.
  • Helps in protecting game data from tampering.


  • Proprietary format may require specific tools for extraction and modification.
  • Compression methods used may affect performance during file access.

How to Open MPQ?

Open In Windows

Use tools like MPQ editors or Blizzard’s own tools to open and modify .MPQ files in Windows.

Open In Linux

Use Wine to run Windows-based MPQ editors or try native Linux tools developed for handling Blizzard game files.

Open In MAC

Blizzard provides tools like MPQ Editor for macOS to open and modify .MPQ files.

Open In Android

Use Android applications that can handle .MPQ files, often for game data extraction or modification.

Open In IOS

Similar to Android, iOS applications exist that can handle .MPQ files for games available on the platform.

Open in Others

Other platforms may require specific tools or emulators to handle .MPQ files, depending on the application and game support.

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