.SC2REPLAY File Extension

.SC2REPLAY File Extension

Blizzard StarCraft 2 Replay File

Developer Blizzard Entertainment

Average rating 4.2 / 5. Vote count: 5

Category Game Files
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an SC2REPLAY file?

The .SC2REPLAY file extension is primarily associated with Blizzard Entertainment’s popular real-time strategy game, StarCraft 2. These files are replay files that allow players to review and share recorded gameplay sessions.

In essence, .SC2REPLAY files capture the entire sequence of actions and events from a StarCraft 2 match, enabling players to re-watch matches from different perspectives and analyze strategies.

More Information.

The concept of replay files in real-time strategy games dates back to the original StarCraft and other games in the genre.

Blizzard recognized the value of allowing players to save and share their gameplay experiences, contributing to the growth of communities centered around strategy discussion, competitive play, and content creation.

The .SC2REPLAY file format was designed specifically to record every action, event, and decision made during a StarCraft 2 match.

This includes player commands, unit movements, resource management, and even the timing of specific events within the game.

Such detailed data allows for comprehensive analysis and replayability, catering to both casual players and professional gamers alike.

Origin Of This File.

StarCraft 2, released by Blizzard Entertainment in 2010, quickly became a staple in the esports and gaming communities.

As a successor to the iconic StarCraft, StarCraft 2 introduced updated graphics, gameplay mechanics, and importantly, the ability to save and replay matches in the form of .SC2REPLAY files.

This feature was crucial for both casual players looking to relive exciting moments and professional players and analysts who needed detailed replays for strategic analysis and improvement.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.SC2REPLAY files are structured to store a significant amount of game-related data in a compact format. They typically include:

  1. Game Metadata: Information about the players, factions chosen, map played, and game settings.
  2. Game Events: A chronological log of every action taken during the match, including player commands, unit interactions, and game state changes.
  3. Game State Snapshots: Periodic snapshots of the game state to facilitate faster replay and recovery from interruptions.
  4. Game Statistics: End-game statistics such as resources gathered, units produced, and player performance metrics.

The format is optimized for playback within StarCraft 2’s replay viewer, allowing users to jump to specific points in the match, change camera perspectives, and slow down or speed up the replay speed as needed.

How to Convert the File?

.SC2REPLAY files are specific to StarCraft 2 and are primarily used within the game itself for replaying matches.

They are not designed to be converted into other formats because they contain proprietary game data and events that are specific to StarCraft 2’s gameplay mechanics.

There are methods to extract and manipulate some data from .SC2REPLAY files for analysis or archival purposes:

  1. Parsing Tools: There are third-party parsing tools available online that can read .SC2REPLAY files and extract information such as game events, player actions, and metadata. These tools often output data in a readable format like JSON or CSV, which can then be analyzed or stored for future reference.
  2. Data Analysis: For users interested in statistical analysis or creating visualizations based on gameplay data, parsing tools can be invaluable. They allow for deeper insights into player strategies, game balance, and trends within the StarCraft 2 community.
  3. Archival Purposes: If you wish to keep a record of your gameplay history but don’t necessarily need to replay the match within StarCraft 2, parsing tools can help extract and store relevant data in a more compact or organized format.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Detailed Analysis: Provides a comprehensive record of gameplay for strategic review and improvement.
  • Community Interaction: Enables sharing of gameplay highlights, strategies, and tutorials within the community.
  • Educational Tool: Used by professional players and coaches to analyze matches and improve team performance.


  • File Size: Replay files can be relatively large due to the amount of data stored, which may impact storage and sharing.
  • Compatibility: Limited to use within the StarCraft 2 game client, requiring specific software to view and analyze.

How to Open SC2REPLAY?

Open In Windows

  • Ensure StarCraft 2 is installed on your system.
  • Double-click the .SC2REPLAY file, or open it from within the StarCraft 2 game client.

Open In Linux

  • Install StarCraft 2 using Wine or another compatibility layer.
  • Open the .SC2REPLAY file from within the StarCraft 2 game client.

Open In MAC

  • Install StarCraft 2 from the Blizzard Battle.net client.
  • Double-click the .SC2REPLAY file, or use the “Open with” option to select StarCraft 2.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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