.SC4DESC File Extension

.SC4DESC File Extension

SimCity 4 Description File

Developer Electronic Arts

Average rating 4 / 5. Vote count: 6

Category Game Files
Format .SC4DESC
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an SC4DESC file?

.SC4DESC files are fundamental to extending SimCity 4’s functionality beyond its default content.

They primarily contain metadata and descriptive information about user-created content such as buildings, landmarks, and mods.

These files are essential for integrating new assets seamlessly into the game environment, ensuring compatibility and functionality.

More Information.

When SimCity 4 was released, it quickly became apparent that players wanted more than what the base game offered.

The .SC4DESC file format emerged as a standardized way to describe new assets like buildings, parks, and transportation options.

This allowed creators to define properties such as appearance, behavior, and interactions within the game environment.

Origin Of This File.

The necessity for .SC4DESC files arose from SimCity 4’s active modding community, which sought to expand the game’s repertoire of structures and functionalities.

Unlike earlier versions of SimCity, SimCity 4 provided extensive support for user-created content, facilitated through a robust file structure that includes the .SC4DESC format.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.SC4DESC files adhere to a specific XML-based structure. XML (Extensible Markup Language) was chosen due to its flexibility and widespread adoption, ensuring compatibility across different platforms and operating systems. The structure typically includes:

  • Identification Information: Metadata like the asset’s name, creator, version, and unique identifier.
  • Properties: Specifications regarding the asset’s size, placement grid, function (residential, commercial, industrial), and any special effects or animations.
  • Dependencies: Lists of other .SC4DESC files or resources required for the asset to function correctly in the game.
  • Localization: Translations and text strings for different languages, ensuring international usability.

This structured approach not only organizes data efficiently but also simplifies the process of integrating custom content into the SimCity 4 environment.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .SC4DESC files typically involve modifying or adjusting parameters within the file to suit specific customization needs or to ensure compatibility with different versions of SimCity 4 or modding frameworks.

Here are some common scenarios and methods for converting .SC4DESC files:

  1. Editing Parameters: .SC4DESC files are plain text files with structured parameters such as asset name, type, description, dependencies, and statistics. To convert them, you may need to adjust these parameters to meet your requirements. This can include changing asset dimensions, costs, capacities, or other attributes.
  2. Using Modding Tools: Modding communities often develop tools specifically designed for editing and converting .SC4DESC files. These tools may provide graphical interfaces or command-line utilities that simplify the process of modifying file attributes or ensuring compatibility with different game versions.
  3. Community Tutorials and Documentation: Many modding communities for SimCity 4 offer tutorials, guides, and documentation on how to convert .SC4DESC files effectively. These resources can provide step-by-step instructions, best practices, and troubleshooting tips for ensuring successful file conversion.
  4. Version Compatibility: When converting .SC4DESC files, ensure compatibility with the version of SimCity 4 you are using and any additional mods or custom content you intend to incorporate. This may involve adjusting file parameters to match the requirements of specific game updates or modding frameworks.
  5. Testing and Iteration: After making changes or conversions to .SC4DESC files, it’s essential to test them within the game environment. This process helps identify any issues, conflicts, or unintended behaviors that may arise from the modifications made.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Customization: Enables extensive customization of the SimCity 4 experience.
  • Community Engagement: Fosters a vibrant modding community, continuously expanding the game’s content.
  • Compatibility: Standardized format ensures compatibility across different game versions and platforms.


  • Complexity: Creating .SC4DESC files require understanding XML and SimCity 4’s internal mechanics.
  • Compatibility Issues: Occasionally, updates to the game or other mods can cause conflicts or require updates to .SC4DESC files.

How to Open SC4DESC?

Open In Windows

  • Notepad: Built-in text editor in Windows. Right-click on the .SC4DESC file, select “Open with,” and choose Notepad.
  • Notepad++: A more advanced text editor with syntax highlighting and additional features. Open Notepad++ and drag the .SC4DESC file into the editor, or use the “Open” dialog to navigate to the file.

Open In Linux

  • Gedit: Default text editor on many Linux distributions. Right-click on the .SC4DESC file, select “Open With,” and choose Gedit.
  • Terminal-based Editors: Editors like Nano or Vim can be used in the terminal. Open a terminal window, navigate to the directory containing the .SC4DESC file, and use the command-line interface to open and edit the file.

Open In MAC

  • TextEdit: Built-in text editor on MacOS. Right-click on the .SC4DESC file, select “Open With,” and choose TextEdit.
  • Third-Party Text Editors: Applications like BBEdit or TextMate are popular choices for editing plain text files on MacOS. Open the editor and use the “File” menu to open the .SC4DESC file.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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