.SEGY File Extension

.SEGY File Extension

SEG-Y Data File

Developer SEG Technical Standards Committee

Average rating 2.5 / 5. Vote count: 4

Category GIS Files
Format .SEGY
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an SEGY file?

SEG-Y is a standard file format used in geophysical applications, particularly within the seismic industry. It serves as a container for storing seismic data obtained from subsurface exploration.

The file extension ‘.SEGY’ or ‘.SGY’ denotes these SEG-Y formatted files, which are crucial in the processing, analysis, and interpretation of seismic data.

More Information.

Initially, SEG-Y files were designed to facilitate the exchange of seismic data between different software and hardware platforms used by geophysical companies, research institutions, and oil exploration firms.

The format’s primary aim was to ensure compatibility and consistency in seismic data interpretation and processing workflows.

Origin Of This File.

The SEG-Y format was developed by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) in collaboration with the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).

Its inception dates back to the mid-1970s, evolving from earlier tape-based formats to a more standardized digital file format. This transition allowed for greater flexibility and efficiency in handling large volumes of seismic data.

File Structure Technical Specification.

SEG-Y files consist of two main sections: The textual header and the binary data section. The textual header provides essential metadata about the seismic survey, such as acquisition parameters, survey geometry, and processing history.

This metadata is crucial for understanding the context and quality of the seismic data contained in the file.

The binary data section contains the actual seismic traces recorded during the survey. Each trace represents a snapshot of the subsurface at a specific location and time, recorded as a series of amplitude values (samples) over time.

The format supports both 2D and 3D seismic data representations, accommodating various exploration scenarios.

Technical specifications include details on data encoding formats, such as IBM floating-point, IEEE floating-point, and integer formats.

These specifications ensure that seismic data can be accurately represented and interpreted across different computing environments and software applications.

How to Convert the File?

Converting SEG-Y files to other formats or vice versa often involves specialized software tools designed for seismic data processing. Common conversion tasks include:

  • SEG-Y to SEG-D: Conversion to another SEG format used for seismic data exchange.
  • SEG-Y to ASCII: Converting to ASCII format for easier data manipulation and analysis.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Standardization: Facilitates seamless data exchange and interoperability between different software platforms and organizations.
  2. Efficiency: Enables efficient storage and processing of large volumes of seismic data, essential for detailed subsurface analysis.
  3. Versatility: Supports both time-domain and depth-domain seismic data representations, accommodating different geological interpretations.


  1. Complexity: The format’s binary structure and metadata requirements can be complex, requiring specialized knowledge for effective use and manipulation.
  2. File Size: SEG-Y files can be large due to the high-resolution nature of seismic data, necessitating robust data management and storage solutions.
  3. Compatibility: Ensuring compatibility between different versions of SEG-Y and across diverse software platforms can sometimes pose challenges.

How to Open SEGY?

Open In Windows

  • SEG-Y Viewer: Dedicated software for viewing and analyzing SEG-Y files on Windows.
  • Seismic Unix (SU): Open-source software suite that includes tools for handling SEG-Y files.

Open In Linux

  • Seismic Unix (SU): Widely used on Linux platforms due to its open-source nature and robust support for SEG-Y format.

Open In MAC

  • Seismic Unix (SU): Also available for macOS, providing a comprehensive suite of seismic data processing tools.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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