.PDG File Extension

.PDG File Extension

Print Shop Deluxe Design File

Developer Broderbund

Average rating 3 / 5. Vote count: 18

Category Page Layout Files
Format .PDG
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an PDG file?

The .PDG file extension is associated with Print Shop Deluxe, a popular software used for designing and printing various types of materials such as greeting cards, banners, and posters.

More Information.

The .PDG files were originally designed to store project files created within Print Shop Deluxe, preserving layout, graphics, and text formatting for future editing and printing.

Origin Of This File.

Print Shop Deluxe has been a widely used software since the early days of personal computing, providing users with templates and tools for creative design projects.

File Structure Technical Specification.

  • Format: Binary file format.
  • Content: Contains layout information, text styles, images, and other design elements used in the project.
  • Compatibility: Specific to Print Shop Deluxe software versions, with variations over time.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using Print Shop Deluxe:
    • Open the .PDG file in Print Shop Deluxe.
    • Go to File > Export or Save As.
    • Choose a universal format like PDF or PNG.
  2. Using Conversion Software:
    • Use third-party conversion software that supports .PDG to other formats.
    • Open the .PDG file in the conversion software.
    • Select the desired output format and convert.


  1. Wine Emulation:
    • Install Wine (Windows compatibility layer) on Linux.
    • Install Print Shop Deluxe through Wine.
    • Follow the steps for conversion as in Windows.
  2. Online Conversion Tools:
    • Use online conversion tools that support .PDG files.
    • Upload the .PDG file to the online tool.
    • Convert the file to a desired format like PDF or image formats.


  1. Print Shop Deluxe for Mac:
    • Open the .PDG file in Print Shop Deluxe for Mac.
    • Export or Save As the file in a universal format like PDF.
  2. Using Adobe Acrobat:
    • Open the .PDG file in Adobe Acrobat if compatible.
    • Export the file to PDF or other supported formats.

Android & iOS:

  • Conversion on Mobile Devices:
    • Due to limited native support, use cloud services or apps designed for file conversion.
    • Upload the .PDG file to a cloud storage service.
    • Access the cloud service through a web browser or app that supports file conversion.
    • Convert the .PDG file to a compatible format like PDF or image formats.


  • Specialized Conversion Tools:
    • Use specialized software or services that can handle .PDG files.
    • Check for compatibility and features specific to the software or service.
    • Follow the steps provided by the software or service for converting .PDG files to desired formats.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Retains intricate design details and formatting.
  • Allows for easy editing and modification of print designs.


  • Limited compatibility with other design software.
  • Dependency on specific software versions for file access.

How to Open PDG?

Open In Windows

Requires Print Shop Deluxe or compatible software installed.

Open In Linux

Limited support; may require emulation or alternative software.

Open In MAC

Requires Print Shop Deluxe or compatible software installed.

Open In Android

Not natively supported; may require conversion or specialized app.

Open In IOS

Not natively supported; similar requirements as Android.

Open in Others

Compatibility varies; generally requires Print Shop Deluxe or conversion to more widely supported formats.

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