.WEBHISTORY File Extension

.WEBHISTORY File Extension

Safari Web History File

Developer Apple

Average rating 2.7 / 5. Vote count: 7

Category Web Files
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an WEBHISTORY file?

The .WEBHISTORY file extension is associated with Safari, Apple’s web browser. These files store web browsing history information, including URLs visited, timestamps, and related metadata.

More Information.

Safari introduced the .WEBHISTORY file format as part of its effort to manage and store users’ browsing histories. The purpose of these files is to provide users with a record of the websites they’ve visited, facilitating easy retrieval and management of browsing history.

Origin Of This File.

.WEBHISTORY files originate from Safari, a web browser developed by Apple Inc. Safari uses these files to track and manage browsing history, enabling users to view their past web activity.

File Structure Technical Specification.

  • File Structure: .WEBHISTORY files are typically stored in a binary format that includes various metadata related to browsing activity.
  • Technical Specification: The files contain a database-like structure with tables and records that store URLs, timestamps, and other relevant data. They are often used in conjunction with SQLite databases or similar technologies for efficient data management.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Use SQLite Tools:
    • Install SQLite Tools: Download and install an SQLite database browser or editor, such as DB Browser for SQLite.
    • Open the File: Use the tool to open the .WEBHISTORY file. If the file is in SQLite format, the tool will allow you to view and export data.
    • Export Data: Once opened, you can export the data to a CSV or other readable format.
  2. Convert to Readable Formats:
    • Extract Data: After exporting data from SQLite, use tools like Excel or a text editor to view or convert the data to your desired format.


  1. Use SQLite Tools:
    • Install SQLite: Use package managers to install SQLite tools (sudo apt-get install sqlite3 or equivalent for your distro).
    • Open the File: Use SQLite commands or a graphical tool like sqlitebrowser to open the .WEBHISTORY file.
    • Export Data: Extract the data from the SQLite database and convert it to a CSV or text format.
  2. Convert Data:
    • Read/Convert Data: Use command-line tools or scripting languages like Python to process and convert the extracted data.


  1. Use Safari:
    • Access History: Open Safari and use its built-in history features. This doesn’t directly convert .WEBHISTORY files but provides access to history data.
  2. Use SQLite Tools:
    • SQLite Browser: You can use a graphical SQLite browser or command-line tools to open and export the data from .WEBHISTORY files.
    • Export Data: Convert the data to a CSV or other readable format as needed.


  1. No Direct Conversion:
    • Sync with iCloud: Use iCloud to synchronize your Safari history with a macOS device where you can then access and convert the data.
    • Use Third-Party Apps: Some third-party apps might offer ways to view or extract data if they support .WEBHISTORY files.


  1. No Direct Conversion:
    • Safari History: Access and manage your browsing history directly within Safari on iOS devices.
    • Sync with macOS: Sync data with a macOS device where you can then use Safari or SQLite tools to convert or extract the history data.


  1. Specialized Tools:
    • Database Tools: Use specialized database tools or converters that support SQLite if the .WEBHISTORY file is in that format.
    • Online Conversion Services: Some online services may offer conversion or extraction from .WEBHISTORY files, though these are less common and should be used with caution regarding data privacy.

Advantages And Disadvantages.

  • Advantages:
    • Allows users to track and retrieve their web browsing history easily.
    • Facilitates synchronization of browsing history across Apple devices via iCloud.
  • Disadvantages:
    • The binary format is not human-readable, making it challenging to manually inspect or edit.
    • Privacy concerns may arise as these files store detailed browsing data.


Open In Windows

  • Safari on a Mac: Use Safari on macOS to access the file.
  • Third-Party Tools: Use SQLite database viewers or converters if the file is compatible with SQLite.

Open In Linux

  • SQLite Tools: Employ SQLite database tools to open and view the file if it’s an SQLite database.
  • Conversion Tools: Use conversion or extraction tools if available.

Open In MAC

  • Safari: The .WEBHISTORY files are managed by Safari, so opening Safari on macOS will allow you to view and manage your browsing history directly.
  • SQLite Tools: Use SQLite database tools to inspect the file’s content if needed.

Open In Android

  • No Direct Support: .WEBHISTORY files cannot be directly opened on Android. To view or manage these files:
  • Sync with iCloud: Use iCloud synchronization to access history via Safari on a macOS or iOS device.

Open In IOS

Safari: On iOS, .WEBHISTORY files are integrated into Safari, and users can view their browsing history directly within the Safari browser on their iOS device.

Open in Others

Specialized Tools: Use specialized tools or scripts for extracting or converting .WEBHISTORY files to other formats if required.

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