.DDAT File Extension

.DDAT File Extension

DivX Temporary Video File

Developer DivX

Average rating 3.4 / 5. Vote count: 5

Category Video Files
Format .DDAT
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an DDAT file?

The .DDAT file extension represents a DivX Temporary Video File, which is a file format used by DivX video software. These files are typically used during the process of video encoding or playback and are not intended to be permanent storage.

The primary role of .DDAT files is to serve as a temporary storage location for video data while it is being processed or played back.

More Information.

The initial purpose of .DDAT files was to facilitate smoother and more efficient video encoding and playback.

When a video file is being processed or converted using DivX software, the .DDAT files are created as temporary placeholders to manage the video data before it is finalized and saved in the target format.

This temporary nature helps manage large video files more effectively, reducing the risk of data corruption and ensuring a more reliable encoding process.

As video technology evolved, the need for temporary files like .DDAT became crucial in handling high-definition and large-format videos.

They are used primarily by DivX Player and DivX Converter during video playback and conversion processes.

Origin Of This File.

The .DDAT file extension is associated with DivX, a company known for its video compression technology. Founded in 2000, DivX has developed several codecs and tools to enhance video quality and compression efficiency.

The .DDAT file format emerged as a part of DivX’s suite of video tools, used specifically for temporary video data management during the encoding and playback process.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.DDAT files are temporary in nature and thus do not have a standardized file structure or technical specification that is publicly documented.

They are used by DivX software to store intermediary video data and may include various types of metadata related to video processing. The internal structure of .DDAT files typically includes:

  • Header Information: This contains basic metadata about the file, such as file size, format version, and encoding parameters.
  • Video Data Blocks: These blocks hold the temporary video data being processed or played back.
  • Index Information: For quick access and management of the video data, an index may be included to keep track of different segments of the video.

Since .DDAT files are used temporarily and are not intended for long-term storage, they lack the robust, standardized structure of other video file formats like .MP4 or .AVI.

How to Convert the File?

Since .DDAT files are temporary files used during the video processing stage, they are not intended for conversion.

Once the video processing is complete, the final video is usually saved in a more permanent and widely recognized format like .AVI, .MP4, or .MKV. Therefore, if you have a .DDAT file, you generally do not need to convert it directly.

Instead, you should focus on converting the final video output from DivX software to your desired format using standard video conversion tools.

Conversion Steps:

  1. Complete Processing: Ensure that any video processing or playback involving the .DDAT file is complete.
  2. Locate Final Output: Identify the final video file produced by DivX software after the .DDAT file has served its purpose.
  3. Convert Final Video: Use a video conversion tool or software to convert the final output into your preferred format, if necessary.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Efficient Processing: .DDAT files enable more efficient video processing by acting as temporary storage. This helps in managing large files and reduces the risk of corruption during encoding.
  2. Reduced Resource Usage: By temporarily storing video data, .DDAT files help in managing system resources more effectively during video playback or conversion.
  3. Improved Playback Quality: They contribute to smoother playback experiences by managing data chunks in real-time.


  1. Temporary Nature: .DDAT files are temporary and are automatically deleted once the processing or playback is complete. This means they are not suitable for long-term storage or archival purposes.
  2. Limited Compatibility: Since .DDAT files are specific to DivX software, they are not universally compatible with other video players or editing tools.
  3. Lack of Documentation: There is limited documentation on the specific structure and content of .DDAT files, which can make troubleshooting and recovery challenging.

How to Open DDAT?

Open In Windows

  • DivX Player/Converter: .DDAT files are handled automatically by DivX Player or DivX Converter. You do not need to open them manually.
  • File Removal: Once processing is complete, .DDAT files are usually deleted automatically. If not, you can safely delete them manually.

Open In Linux

  • DivX Compatibility: DivX software is less commonly used on Linux, so .DDAT files may not be as relevant. However, if you are using a compatible DivX application or emulator, it will handle .DDAT files automatically.
  • Manual Deletion: You can manually delete .DDAT files if they are left behind after video processing.

Open In MAC

  • DivX Software: Similar to Windows, use DivX software to handle .DDAT files. The software will manage these files during video processing.
  • File Management: As .DDAT files are temporary, they can be deleted after the processing is complete.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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