.DINFO File Extension

.DINFO File Extension

DivX Temporary Video Info File

Developer DivX

Average rating 4.1 / 5. Vote count: 13

Category Settings Files
Format .DINFO
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an DINFO file?

The .DINFO file extension stands for DivX Temporary Video Info File. These files are used by DivX software to store temporary information related to video playback or encoding processes.

DivX is a video codec technology that compresses video files, making them smaller while maintaining high quality.

.DINFO files are integral to the functionality of DivX software, but they are not typically intended for long-term use or direct interaction by users.

More Information.

The initial purpose of .DINFO files was to facilitate video encoding and playback within the DivX framework.

When a user encodes a video using DivX software, the software generates various temporary files to manage and track the encoding process.

The .DINFO files specifically store metadata and information about the video being processed, including details about the video stream, codec settings, and temporary processing states.

Over time, as video technology advanced and new versions of DivX were released, the role of .DINFO files continued to support the software’s functionality by providing necessary data during encoding and playback.

These files are generally ephemeral and are automatically deleted by the software once their purpose has been fulfilled.

Origin Of This File.

DivX technology originated from a modified version of the MPEG-4 codec developed by a group of engineers at DivX, Inc. in the early 2000s.

The primary goal was to create a codec that would allow users to encode and compress video files more efficiently, enabling easier distribution and storage of high-quality video content.

The .DINFO file extension was introduced as part of this ecosystem to assist in the encoding and playback processes.

Its role is largely confined to the temporary storage of metadata and processing information. As video technology evolved, DivX continued to update and refine its software, but the .DINFO file remained a relatively stable component of its system.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.DINFO files are binary files, meaning they contain data in a format that is not directly readable by humans. Their structure includes several key components:

  1. Header: Contains metadata about the file, such as version information, creation date, and encoding parameters.
  2. Metadata Blocks: Store information related to the video being processed, including codec settings, video resolution, and frame rate.
  3. Temporary Data: Includes information that is only relevant during the encoding or playback process, such as buffer states and processing flags.

Technical specifications for files are closely tied to the version of DivX software being used. The data format and structure may vary slightly between different versions of the software, but the core function of storing temporary video information remains consistent.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .DINFO files is generally unnecessary and not recommended because they are temporary files used by DivX software for internal processing.

If you need to handle or convert video files themselves, you should focus on the primary video file formats supported by DivX, such as .divx or .avi.

However, if you encounter issues with .DINFO files or need to address specific problems related to DivX software, you might consider the following approaches:

  1. Reinstalling DivX Software: If .DINFO files are causing problems, reinstalling or updating DivX software might resolve the issue by ensuring that temporary files are correctly managed.
  2. Contacting Support: For persistent issues related to .DINFO files, reaching out to DivX support or consulting user forums might provide guidance on how to manage or address these temporary files.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Efficient Processing: .DINFO files streamline the encoding and playback processes by temporarily storing necessary information, which helps in efficient video processing and playback.
  2. Automatic Management: DivX software automatically handles the creation and deletion of .DINFO files, minimizing the need for user intervention and reducing the risk of manual errors.


  1. Temporary Nature: .DINFO files are not intended for long-term storage and are often deleted after their purpose is served. This means that any valuable data stored in these files is temporary and cannot be relied upon for future use.
  2. Proprietary Format: The binary format of .DINFO files makes them difficult to interpret without DivX software, limiting their usability outside the DivX environment.

How to Open DINFO?

Open In Windows

  • DivX Software: Install the DivX Player or DivX Converter, which will handle .DINFO files automatically as part of its encoding or playback processes.
  • File Explorer: .DINFO files can be viewed in File Explorer, but their contents are not user-readable and are managed by the DivX software.

Open In Linux

  • DivX Compatibility: DivX software is less common on Linux, but you might find third-party tools that can handle video files processed by DivX. For .DINFO files, DivX software compatibility is limited.
  • File Manager: .DINFO files can be viewed in Linux file managers, but you would need compatible software for handling video processing.

Open In MAC

  • DivX Software: DivX software for macOS also manages .DINFO files. You need to install DivX for Mac to handle these files properly.
  • Finder: Similar to Windows, .DINFO files can be seen in Finder, but their contents are not directly accessible.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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