.GXT File Extension

.GXT File Extension

Grand Theft Auto Text File

Developer Rockstar Games

Average rating 4.5 / 5. Vote count: 248

Category Settings Files
Format .GXT
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an GXT file?

The .GXT file extension is associated with Grand Theft Auto (GTA), a popular video game series known for its open-world gameplay and immersive environments. Specifically, .GXT files are used to store text data within the game, including dialogue, mission objectives, menus, and other in-game text elements. These files play a crucial role in shaping the narrative and interactions within the game world.

More Information.

Initially, .GXT files were designed to efficiently store and manage textual content for the game, enabling developers to organize and implement various in-game text elements such as dialogue, mission instructions, subtitles, and more. This facilitated localization efforts, as text could be easily translated into different languages by modifying the .GXT files.

Origin Of This File.

.GXT files were first introduced in the early versions of Grand Theft Auto, originating from the development of the game by Rockstar Games. As the series evolved and new iterations were released, the .GXT file format remained a fundamental component for managing textual content within the game.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.GXT files typically consist of plain text data organized in a specific structure dictated by the game engine. The structure may include identifiers for different types of text elements, along with the actual textual content. These files may also contain formatting instructions, such as font styles, colors, and positioning information.

While the exact technical specifications may vary between different versions of the Grand Theft Auto series, .GXT files generally adhere to a similar format designed for easy integration into the game engine.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using GXT Editor:
    • Download and install a GXT editing tool such as GXT Editor for Windows.
    • Open the GXT Editor and navigate to the .GXT file you want to convert.
    • Make the necessary modifications or translations within the editor.
    • Save the changes, and the .GXT file will be converted with the updated content.
  2. OpenIV:
    • Download and install OpenIV, a versatile modding tool for Grand Theft Auto games.
    • Launch OpenIV and locate the .GXT file you wish to convert.
    • Use OpenIV’s built-in text editor to make changes to the file.
    • Save your modifications, and the .GXT file will be converted with the new content.


  1. Wine Compatibility:
    • Install Wine, a compatibility layer for running Windows applications on Linux.
    • Download a GXT editing tool compatible with Wine, such as GXT Editor.
    • Run the GXT Editor through Wine and open the .GXT file you want to convert.
    • Edit the content as needed and save the changes, converting the .GXT file.
  2. Alternative Methods:
    • Explore community-developed tools or scripts designed for editing .GXT files on Linux.
    • Consider using a virtual machine with Windows installed to access Windows-based GXT editing tools.


  1. Wine or Virtualization:
    • Install Wine or set up virtualization software like Parallels Desktop or VirtualBox on your Mac.
    • Download a GXT editing tool compatible with Wine or Windows.
    • Run the GXT editing tool through Wine or within the virtualized Windows environment.
    • Open the .GXT file, make necessary modifications, and save to convert it.
  2. Mac-Compatible Tools:
    • Look for any Mac-compatible GXT editing tools or converters, although they may be scarce.
    • Consider using text editors with advanced features to manually modify .GXT files, though this method may be less convenient.

Android and iOS:

Converting .GXT files directly on Android and iOS devices may be challenging due to the lack of suitable applications and the complexity of the file format.

However, you can explore the following alternatives:

  1. Emulation:
    • Utilize emulators to run Windows-based GXT editing tools on Android or iOS devices.
    • Install an emulator such as Wine for Android or iBox for iOS, then run GXT editing software within the emulator.
  2. Third-Party Solutions:
    • Look for any third-party apps or services that claim to support .GXT file conversion on mobile platforms.
    • Be cautious and ensure the legitimacy and safety of such solutions before proceeding.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Efficient storage and management of textual content within the game.
  • Facilitates localization and translation efforts.
  • Allows for easy modification and customization of in-game text elements.


  • Limited to textual content and cannot handle multimedia elements.
  • Requires specific tools and knowledge to modify effectively.
  • May pose challenges for maintaining consistency and coherence in translations across different languages.

How to Open GXT?

Open In Windows

Use specialized tools or editors designed for modifying .GXT files, such as GXT Editor or OpenIV.

Open In Linux

Utilize Wine to run Windows-based .GXT editing tools, or explore alternative methods supported by the Linux community.

Open In MAC

Similar to Linux, use Wine or look for compatible tools within the Mac ecosystem, or consider running Windows through virtualization.

Open In Android

Utilize emulators like Wine for Android to run Windows-based GXT editing tools, or search for any available mobile-compatible apps.

Open In IOS

Employ emulators like iBox to run Windows-based GXT editing tools on iOS, or search for any available mobile-compatible apps.

Open in Others

For other platforms, consider emulation, virtualization, or third-party solutions, though options may be limited.

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