.MMU File Extension

.MMU File Extension

myPM Merge Data File

Developer Midori Media

Average rating 4 / 5. Vote count: 3

Category Data Files
Format .MMU
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an MMU file?

.MMU files, short for myPM Merge Data, are data files used in project management software applications. These files store information related to project tasks, schedules, resources, and other project-related data. They are commonly used to merge data from different sources or formats into a unified project management system.

More Information.

The .MMU file extension likely originated with the development of project management software that required a standardized format for merging and importing project data. Its initial purpose was to streamline the process of combining data from various sources into a cohesive project management system, thereby improving efficiency and accuracy in project planning and execution.

Origin Of This File.

.MMU files are typically associated with project management software such as Microsoft Project, Primavera P6, or other similar applications. They serve as a means to consolidate and organize project data for easier management and analysis.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.MMU files may vary in structure and content depending on the specific project management software being used. However, they typically contain structured data in a format that is compatible with the software’s data model.

This may include information such as task names, durations, dependencies, resource assignments, and other project attributes. The technical specifications of .MMU files are determined by the software application that generates or processes them.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Open the project management software that supports .MMU files, such as Microsoft Project.
  2. Load the .MMU file into the software.
  3. Use the “Save As” or “Export” function within the software to convert the .MMU file to a different format such as CSV, XLSX, or XML.


  1. Install Wine, a compatibility layer that allows running Windows applications on Linux.
  2. Install a Windows-based project management software that supports .MMU files using Wine.
  3. Open the project management software, load the .MMU file, and then follow the steps similar to converting on Windows.


  1. Open the project management software compatible with macOS, such as Microsoft Project for Mac.
  2. Load the .MMU file into the software.
  3. Use the “Save As” or “Export” function within the software to convert the .MMU file to a different format.


  1. Install a project management app from the Google Play Store that supports .MMU files.
  2. Open the app and import the .MMU file into the app.
  3. Use any built-in conversion functionality within the app to convert the .MMU file to a different format if available.


  1. Install a project management app from the App Store that supports .MMU files.
  2. Open the app and import the .MMU file into the app.
  3. Use any built-in conversion functionality within the app to convert the .MMU file to a different format if available.

Other Platforms:

For other platforms, the process may vary depending on the availability of compatible software or tools. Generally, you would need to find project management software that supports .MMU files or utilize conversion tools that can handle the conversion to a desired format. This may involve running Windows-based software through emulation or using online conversion services.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Facilitates the consolidation of project data from multiple sources.
  2. Streamlines the process of importing data into project management software.
  3. Helps maintain consistency and accuracy in project planning and execution.
  4. Enables easier collaboration and sharing of project data among team members.


  1. Dependency on specific project management software for compatibility.
  2. Potential for data loss or corruption if the .MMU file is not handled properly.
  3. Limited interoperability with other file formats or software applications.
  4. May require additional tools or expertise for conversion or manipulation.

How to Open MMU?

Open In Windows

.MMU files can be opened in Windows using compatible project management software such as Microsoft Project or other applications that support the .MMU format.

Open In Linux

Linux users can open .MMU files using Wine to run Windows-based project management software, or they can utilize alternative project management software with Linux compatibility.

Open In MAC

.MMU files can be opened on macOS using compatible project management software such as Microsoft Project for Mac or other applications that support the .MMU format.

Open In Android

.MMU files can be opened on Android devices using compatible project management apps available on the Google Play Store that support the .MMU format.

Open In IOS

iOS users can open .MMU files using compatible project management apps available on the App Store that support the .MMU format.

Open in Others

Other platforms may require similar approaches as mentioned above, utilizing compatible project management software or conversion tools to open and work with .MMU files.

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