.SGR File Extension

.SGR File Extension

SimCity 4 Graphics Rules File

Developer Electronic Arts

Average rating 3.7 / 5. Vote count: 13

Category Game Files
Format .SGR
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an SGR file?

The .SGR (SimCity 4 Graphics Rules) file extension is integral to the functioning and customization of the popular city-building simulation game, SimCity 4. These files contain crucial instructions and parameters that govern the graphical rendering and behavior of the game, allowing users to tailor their gaming experience according to their preferences.

More Information.

SimCity 4, released in 2003, introduced a significant leap in graphical fidelity and complexity compared to its predecessors. The .SGR files were introduced to accommodate this advancement, allowing for finer control over graphical settings such as rendering techniques, texture quality, lighting effects, and more. Initially, these files were primarily used by the game developers to optimize graphics performance and ensure compatibility across different hardware configurations.

Origin Of This File.

The .SGR file format was developed specifically for SimCity 4 by Maxis, the game’s developer, and is utilized to define various graphical rules and settings within the game environment. This file type is unique to SimCity 4 and is not commonly found in other software applications.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .SGR files are typically structured in a plaintext format, making them human-readable and editable using a simple text editor. These files consist of various sections and parameters, each governing specific aspects of the game’s graphics engine. The technical specifications of .SGR files may vary depending on the version of SimCity 4 and any subsequent patches or expansions applied to the game.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Right-click on the .SGR file you want to edit.
  2. Select “Open with” and choose a text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++.
  3. Make the necessary modifications to the file.
  4. Save the changes.


  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Navigate to the directory containing the .SGR file using the cd command.
  3. Use a text editor like Nano or Vim to open the file. For example, nano filename.sgr.
  4. Edit the file as needed.
  5. Save the changes and exit the text editor.


  1. Locate the .SGR file on your Mac.
  2. Right-click on the file and select “Open With.”
  3. Choose TextEdit or another text editor from the list.
  4. Make the necessary modifications to the file.
  5. Save the changes.


  1. Install a text editing app from the Google Play Store that supports plaintext file editing, such as Jota+ Text Editor or QuickEdit Text Editor.
  2. Open the text editor app and navigate to the directory containing the .SGR file.
  3. Tap on the .SGR file to open it.
  4. Edit the file as needed.
  5. Save the changes.


  1. Install a text editing app from the App Store that supports plaintext file editing, such as Textastic Code Editor or iEditor – Text/Code Editor.
  2. Open the text editing app and navigate to the directory containing the .SGR file.
  3. Tap on the .SGR file to open it.
  4. Edit the file as needed.
  5. Save the changes.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Allows users to customize graphical settings to enhance visual quality or optimize performance based on their hardware capabilities.
  • Facilitates modding and community-created content by providing a means to tweak and adjust graphical elements within the game.
  • Enables troubleshooting and debugging of graphical issues by modifying relevant parameters within the .SGR files.


  • Editing .SGR files requires some technical knowledge and understanding of the game’s graphics engine, which may be daunting for novice users.
  • Incorrect modifications to .SGR files can potentially destabilize the game or cause graphical glitches and performance issues.
  • Compatibility issues may arise when using modified .SGR files with certain hardware configurations or software setups.

How to Open SGR?

Open In Windows

.SGR files can be opened and edited using any text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++.

Open In Linux

.SGR files can be accessed and modified using text editors like Nano or Vim in Linux distributions.

Open In MAC

TextEdit or other text editors available on macOS can be used to open and edit .SGR files.

Open In Android

.SGR files cannot be directly opened or edited on mobile devices unless using specialized text editing apps that support plaintext file formats.

Open In IOS

.SGR files cannot be directly opened or edited on mobile devices unless using specialized text editing apps that support plaintext file formats.

Open in Others

On other platforms, .SGR files can be handled using text editors that support plaintext file editing capabilities.

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