Sublime Text Session File

Developer Jon Skinner

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Category Data Files
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an SUBLIME-SESSION file?

The .SUBLIME-SESSION file extension is associated with Sublime Text, a versatile and widely used text editor popular among developers, programmers, and writers.

It serves as a container for storing the state of a Sublime Text session, encapsulating various aspects such as open files, cursor positions, selections, and window layout configurations.

Essentially, it acts as a snapshot of the user’s workspace, allowing them to resume their work exactly where they left off.

More Information.

The .SUBLIME-SESSION file extension was conceived to address a common pain point among users of text editors: the loss of work progress due to unexpected interruptions or software closures.

By saving the state of a session in a structured file format, Sublime Text empowered users to pick up where they left off without the hassle of manually reopening files and repositioning cursors.

This feature garnered praise from the developer community and contributed to Sublime Text’s growing popularity.

Origin Of This File.

The concept of session management in text editors predates Sublime Text, but the .SUBLIME-SESSION file extension was introduced with the inception of Sublime Text itself.

Sublime Text, developed by Jon Skinner and Will Bond, was first released in 2008, aiming to provide a minimalist yet feature-rich alternative to existing text editors.

As the software evolved, the .SUBLIME-SESSION file extension became an integral part of its functionality, enhancing the user experience by enabling seamless session restoration.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .SUBLIME-SESSION file follows a structured format optimized for efficiency and flexibility.

While the exact specifications may vary between different versions of Sublime Text, a typical .SUBLIME-SESSION file includes metadata such as version information, window layout configurations, and a list of open files with associated attributes like file paths, cursor positions, and selections. The file may also contain additional settings and preferences relevant to the session.

At its core, the .SUBLIME-SESSION file is a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) document, a lightweight data interchange format widely used for its simplicity and readability.

This choice of format enables easy parsing and manipulation of session data, both by Sublime Text itself and by external tools or scripts developed by the user community.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .sublime-session files to other formats is not a common requirement, given their specific association with Sublime Text and the proprietary nature of their contents.

Users may choose to export session data for backup purposes or compatibility with other text editors.

One approach to converting .sublime-session files are to extract the relevant information and save it in a more universally accessible format, such as plain text or a standardized project file format.

This process typically involves parsing the JSON data and extracting key components, such as file paths and project settings, before exporting them to the desired format.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Seamless Session Restoration: Users can resume their work quickly and efficiently, even after unexpected interruptions or system restarts.
  2. Workspace Preservation: The file preserves the entire workspace state, including open files, cursor positions, and window layouts, ensuring a consistent and familiar environment.
  3. Customization: Advanced users can leverage the .SUBLIME-SESSION file to automate workflow tasks or customize session behavior according to their preferences.


  1. File Size: Depending on the complexity of the workspace and the number of open files, .SUBLIME-SESSION files can grow in size, potentially consuming storage space.
  2. Version Compatibility: Compatibility issues may arise when attempting to restore sessions across different versions of Sublime Text, particularly if there are significant changes to the session format or underlying data structures.
  3. Security Risks: Since .SUBLIME-SESSION files contain sensitive information about the user’s workspace, including file paths and content, there is a potential risk of exposing confidential data if the files are not handled securely.


Open In Windows

  • Double-click the .sublime-session file, and it should automatically open in Sublime Text if it’s installed as the default editor for that file type.

Open In Linux

  • Depending on the desktop environment and file associations, opening the file through the file manager or using the terminal command subl filename.sublime-session should open it in Sublime Text.

Open In MAC

  • Similarly, double-clicking the file should launch Sublime Text and load the session.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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