.AB3 File Extension

.AB3 File Extension

PhotoImpact 3 Album

Developer Ulead

Average rating 3 / 5. Vote count: 10

Category Raster Image Files
Format .AB3
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an AB3 file?

.AB3 file extension is associated with PhotoImpact 3, a photo editing and graphic design software developed by Ulead Systems.

These files serve as photo albums, containing collections of images and metadata that organize the pictures for easy viewing and management.

PhotoImpact was known for its user-friendly interface and robust features, making it a popular choice among amateur and professional photographers during its peak usage years.

More Information.

PhotoImpact 3 was introduced during a period when digital photography was gaining popularity, and there was a growing need for software that could help users manage their digital images.

The .AB3 file format was designed to create digital photo albums, allowing users to compile their photos into a single file.

This format helped users categorize and access their photos easily, providing a convenient way to manage and share their digital memories.

Origin Of This File.

The .AB3 file format was developed by Ulead Systems as part of their PhotoImpact 3 software suite.

Ulead Systems, a Taiwan-based software company, was established in 1989 and specialized in developing video, image, and multimedia software.

PhotoImpact 3, released in the late 1990s, included the .AB3 file format to help users organize and manage their digital photo collections more efficiently.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .AB3 file format is a proprietary format developed by Ulead Systems. It typically contains the following components:

  • Header Information: This includes metadata about the file, such as the creation date, album title, and other relevant information.
  • Image Data: The actual photos stored within the album. These images can be in various formats, including JPEG, BMP, and PNG.
  • Thumbnail Previews: Small, low-resolution versions of the images for quick viewing and browsing.
  • Album Layout: Information on how the images are arranged within the album, including page layouts, captions, and any applied effects or filters.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .AB3 files to more widely used formats can help ensure their accessibility and usability in the future. Here are some steps and tools that can be used for conversion:

  1. Using PhotoImpact 3: Open the .AB3 file in PhotoImpact 3 and export the individual images to a more common format such as JPEG or PNG. This method requires access to the original software.
  2. File Conversion Software: There are third-party file conversion tools available that might support the .AB3 format. Tools like XnView or IrfanView can sometimes open and convert less common file types.
  3. Virtual Machines: If PhotoImpact 3 is not compatible with your current operating system, consider setting up a virtual machine with an older OS that supports the software. This allows you to run PhotoImpact 3 and convert .AB3 files from within the virtual environment.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Organization: The .AB3 format allows users to compile multiple images into a single file, making it easier to manage and organize photo collections.
  2. Accessibility: By consolidating photos into an album, users can quickly browse through their images without having to open multiple files.
  3. Sharing: .AB3 files can be shared easily, allowing recipients to view the entire photo album without needing to receive individual image files.


  1. Proprietary Format: Being a proprietary format, .AB3 files require specific software (PhotoImpact 3 or compatible programs) to open and edit.
  2. Compatibility Issues: As technology has advanced and newer software has been developed, compatibility with the .AB3 format has decreased, making it challenging to access these files on modern systems.
  3. Limited Support: With the discontinuation of PhotoImpact, support and updates for the .AB3 format have ceased, potentially leading to issues with file corruption and data loss.

How to Open AB3?

Open In Windows

  • PhotoImpact 3: The primary software for opening .AB3 files is PhotoImpact 3. If you have an older version of Windows, you can install PhotoImpact 3 and open the files directly.
  • Compatibility Mode: If you’re using a newer version of Windows, try running PhotoImpact 3 in compatibility mode. Right-click on the program’s executable file, select “Properties,” and under the “Compatibility” tab, choose an older version of Windows.
  • Third-Party Viewers: Some third-party image viewers and editors may support the .AB3 format. Programs like XnView or IrfanView may be able to open .AB3 files, although support is not guaranteed.

Open In Linux

  • Wine: Wine is a compatibility layer that allows you to run Windows applications on Linux. Install Wine and attempt to run PhotoImpact 3 to open .AB3 files.
  • Virtual Machine: Similar to macOS, setting up a Windows virtual machine on your Linux system can provide access to PhotoImpact 3 and .AB3 files.

Open In MAC

  • Virtual Machine: Since PhotoImpact 3 is not natively available for macOS, setting up a Windows virtual machine using software like Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion can enable you to run PhotoImpact 3 and access .AB3 files.
  • File Conversion Tools: If you have access to a Windows machine, convert the .AB3 files to a more common format and then transfer them to your macOS system.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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