.ACORN File Extension

.ACORN File Extension

Acorn Image

Developer Flying Meat

Average rating 2.5 / 5. Vote count: 6

Category Raster Image Files
Format .ACORN
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an ACORN file?

.ACORN file extension is associated with Acorn Computers, a company known for its pioneering role in the development of personal computing during the 1980s and 1990s.

Specifically, .ACORN files are image files created and used by Acorn computers and software. These files typically contain bitmap images that were utilized in various applications and operating systems developed by Acorn.

More Information.

The .ACORN file format was primarily designed to store bitmap images generated and utilized within Acorn’s operating systems and applications.

During the 1980s and 1990s, Acorn computers were widely used in schools and homes across the UK, primarily due to their integration into the BBC’s computer literacy project.

As a result, .ACORN files were commonly used for educational software, graphics applications, and system icons.

Origin Of This File.

Acorn Computers, originally called Acorn, was a British company founded in 1978. It gained significant prominence for its development of the BBC Microcomputer System in the early 1980s.

The company’s focus on creating educational and home computing solutions led to the widespread use of their proprietary hardware and software systems, including those that utilized .ACORN image files.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.ACORN files are typically stored in a bitmap format, which consists of a grid of pixels arranged in rows and columns. The technical specifications of .ACORN files include details such as:

  • Bitmap Format: Stores pixel information directly.
  • Color Depth: Varied, depending on the specific Acorn computer system and software used.
  • Resolution: Varies from low-resolution graphics suitable for early computing displays to higher resolutions supported by later Acorn systems.

The exact structure and specifications can vary slightly based on the specific software and version of the Acorn operating system used to create or manipulate the .ACORN file.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .ACORN files to more widely used formats like JPEG or PNG can be achieved using conversion software. Here’s a basic guide to converting .ACORN files:

  1. Using Conversion Software: Utilize specialized conversion tools available online or software designed to convert bitmap images to other formats.
  2. Manual Conversion: Open the .ACORN file in an image editing program that supports bitmap formats and save/export it in the desired format.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Compatibility: .ACORN files were highly compatible with Acorn’s range of computers and software, ensuring reliability and ease of use within the Acorn ecosystem.
  2. Efficiency: Being bitmap files, .ACORN images were efficient in terms of storage and processing on the hardware available at the time.


  1. Limited Compatibility: Outside of the Acorn environment, .ACORN files may require conversion or specialized software to view or edit on modern systems.
  2. Color Depth Limitations: Older .ACORN files may be limited in color depth compared to modern image formats.

How to Open ACORN?

Open In Windows

  • Use emulation software or a virtual machine running an Acorn-compatible operating system.

Open In Linux

  • Emulation or virtualization is often required, with options depending on the Linux distribution and emulation software available.

Open In MAC

  • Similar to Windows, use emulation software or a virtual environment capable of running Acorn OS.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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