.AGP File Extension

.AGP File Extension

ArtGem Project File

Developer RL Vision

Average rating 3.3 / 5. Vote count: 6

Category Raster Image Files
Format .AGP
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an AGP file?

.AGP files are primarily used by ArtGem, a program designed specifically for creating and editing pixel art.

Pixel art involves creating images pixel by pixel, often with limited color palettes and resolutions, reminiscent of early video game graphics.

ArtGem was renowned for its user-friendly interface and powerful tools tailored to the needs of pixel artists.

More Information.

During its prime, ArtGem served as a go-to software for pixel artists due to its intuitive workflow and robust feature set.

It allowed artists to work on intricate pixel art compositions while providing tools for precise editing and manipulation of individual pixels.

The .AGP file format supported saving and loading projects, enabling users to revisit and modify their artworks seamlessly.

Origin Of This File.

ArtGem was developed by Neurondigital in the mid-1990s, aiming to provide artists and designers with a dedicated tool for pixel-based artwork.

The .AGP file format was devised to save projects created within ArtGem, preserving layers, color palettes, and other project-specific settings.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.AGP files are structured to store various elements crucial to pixel art projects:

  • Layers: ArtGem allowed artists to work with multiple layers, each containing pixel-based content such as characters, backgrounds, or effects.
  • Color Palettes: Users could create and manage custom color palettes to maintain consistency across their artwork.
  • Tools and Settings: Project-specific settings, tool configurations, and editing history were also stored within .AGP files to facilitate project continuity.

Technically, .AGP files are binary files that encapsulate all necessary data in a format readable by ArtGem, ensuring that projects can be saved and reopened without loss of fidelity or functionality.

How to Convert the File?

Converting ‘.AGP’ files to other formats typically involves exporting the artwork from ArtGem to a more widely recognized format like PNG or JPEG. This process usually entails:

  1. Exporting as Image: Within ArtGem, use the export feature to save the pixel art project as a PNG or JPEG file. This format conversion ensures compatibility with a broader range of software and platforms.
  2. Using Conversion Tools: Some third-party conversion tools may support converting ‘.AGP’ files to formats compatible with other graphic design software.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Specialized Toolset: ArtGem provided tools tailored for pixel art creation, enhancing productivity and creativity.
  • Layer Support: The ability to work with layers allowed for complex compositions and non-destructive editing.
  • Customization: Users could customize color palettes and tool settings to suit their artistic vision.


  • Limited Compatibility: .AGP files are primarily compatible with ArtGem, limiting interoperability with other software unless converted.
  • Obsolete Software: ArtGem, being a product of the 1990s, is no longer actively developed or supported, posing challenges for modern users.
  • File Size Concerns: Binary format may lead to larger file sizes compared to modern file formats optimized for storage and transmission.

How to Open AGP?

Open In Windows

  • Use a virtual machine or emulator to run older versions of Windows that support ArtGem.
  • Convert .AGP files to PNG or BMP using conversion software compatible with Windows.

Open In Linux

  • Employ Wine or a similar compatibility layer to run ArtGem under Linux.
  • Convert .AGP files to PNG or BMP using Linux-compatible conversion utilities.

Open In MAC

  • Similar to Windows, use emulation software to run Windows versions of ArtGem or conversion tools compatible with MacOS.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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