.AIA File Extension

.AIA File Extension

MIT App Inventor Project

Developer MIT

Average rating 3.8 / 5. Vote count: 139

Category Developer Files
Format .AIA and MIT
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an AIA file?

The .AIA file extension is associated with MIT App Inventor, a web-based platform developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for creating Android applications. It represents a project file used within the MIT App Inventor environment.

More Information.

The .AIA file format was introduced to facilitate the creation, sharing, and editing of Android application projects within the MIT App Inventor platform. It serves as a container for all the components, assets, and logic used in an application, allowing developers to easily collaborate and work on projects.

Origin Of This File.

The .AIA file extension originates from MIT App Inventor, which was initially created by Google as a project known as Google App Inventor. Google later handed over the project to MIT, where it continued to be developed and maintained.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .AIA file is essentially a ZIP archive containing various components of an App Inventor project, such as:

  1. Screens: Represent different user interface screens within the application.
  2. Blocks: Contain the visual blocks representing the application logic.
  3. Assets: Include images, sounds, and other media files used in the application.
  4. Metadata: Store information about the project, such as its name, description, and author.

How to Convert the File?


To convert .AIA files on Windows, you can utilize MIT App Inventor’s web interface. Simply upload the .AIA file to MIT App Inventor’s website, make any necessary edits or modifications, and then export the project to the desired format, such as an APK file for Android deployment.


The conversion process on Linux is similar to that of Windows. Access MIT App Inventor’s web interface via a web browser on your Linux system, upload the .AIA file, make changes as needed, and then export the project to the desired format.


You can convert .AIA files by using MIT App Inventor’s web interface in a web browser. Upload the .AIA file to MIT App Inventor’s website, edit the project if necessary, and then export it to the desired format.


.AIA files can be directly imported into the MIT App Inventor Android app on an Android device. Open the MIT App Inventor app, select “Projects” from the menu, and then choose “Import project (.aia) from my computer” to import the .AIA file. You can then make any changes and export the project to an APK file for Android deployment.


Unfortunately, direct conversion of .AIA files to iOS-compatible formats is not supported, as MIT App Inventor primarily focuses on Android app development. However, you can recreate the app using a different development platform or manually rewrite the code in a language compatible with iOS development, such as Swift.


Since .AIA files are primarily intended for use within MIT App Inventor, direct conversion to other formats may not be straightforward. However, you can export the components and logic from the .AIA file and manually recreate the application in another development environment or platform, depending on your specific requirements.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Simplifies collaboration and sharing of App Inventor projects.
  • Provides a structured format for organizing project components.
  • Allows for easy backup and version control of projects.


  • Limited compatibility with other development platforms.
  • Requires the use of MIT App Inventor for editing and viewing.

How to Open AIA?

Open In Windows

MIT App Inventor runs in a web browser on Windows, so .AIA files can be opened by uploading them to the MIT App Inventor website.

Open In Linux

Similar to Windows, .AIA files can be opened on Linux by accessing the MIT App Inventor website through a web browser.

Open In MAC

MIT App Inventor is compatible with macOS, allowing .AIA files to be opened in a web browser on Mac systems.

Open In Android

.AIA files can be imported directly into the MIT App Inventor Android app for editing and viewing on Android devices.

Open In IOS

As of now, MIT App Inventor does not support iOS development directly, so .AIA files cannot be opened on iOS devices.

Open in Others

.AIA files are primarily meant for use within MIT App Inventor and may not have direct compatibility with other software or platforms. However, the components and logic within .AIA files can be exported to other formats or platforms for further development or deployment.

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