.APNG File Extension

.APNG File Extension

Animated Portable Network Graphic

Developer Update Soon

Average rating 3.6 / 5. Vote count: 48

Category Raster Image Files
Format .APNG
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an APNG file?

The APNG (Animated Portable Network Graphics) file format represents a significant advancement in the realm of animated images on the web.

Building upon the foundation laid by PNG (Portable Network Graphics), APNG introduces support for animations while maintaining the core strengths of PNG, such as lossless compression and transparency support.

This article delves into the origins, technical specifications, advantages, disadvantages, conversion methods, and compatibility of APNG files.

More Information.

The initiative to create APNG was driven by Mozilla, aiming to provide a straightforward solution for displaying animations in web browsers without relying on plugins or complex scripting.

It aimed to leverage the existing infrastructure and support for PNG while adding animation capabilities that were easy to implement and compatible with existing web standards.

Origin Of This File.

APNG was conceived as an extension to the PNG format, developed to address the need for animated images that retain the desirable features of PNG files.

PNG, introduced in 1996, quickly gained popularity due to its lossless compression and support for alpha transparency.

It lacked native support for animations, which led to the development of several workarounds and alternative formats.

File Structure Technical Specification.

An APNG file maintains compatibility with PNG files by using the same basic structure but extends it to support multiple frames.

It achieves animation through a series of PNG frames encoded within a single APNG file. Each frame can have its own palette and transparency information, allowing for smooth transitions and complex animations.

APNG achieves compression through Deflate compression, similar to PNG, ensuring that animations can be stored efficiently without sacrificing image quality.

How to Convert the File?

Converting APNG files may be necessary to accommodate specific use cases or compatibility requirements. Several tools and methods can be used to convert APNG files to other formats:

  1. APNG to GIF: Convert using online tools like EZGIF or dedicated software like ImageMagick, which supports batch conversion and customization of settings.
  2. APNG to WebP: Use conversion tools like FFmpeg or online converters such as CloudConvert to convert APNG animations to WebP format, which offers good compression and browser support.
  3. APNG to Video Formats: Convert APNG to popular video formats like MP4 or AVI using software such as Adobe Animate or FFmpeg, preserving quality while gaining broader compatibility.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Lossless Compression: Like PNG, APNG offers lossless compression, ensuring that each frame of the animation maintains high quality.
  2. Alpha Transparency: APNG supports alpha transparency, allowing for smooth blending of animated elements with different backgrounds.
  3. Browser Compatibility: Most modern web browsers support APNG natively or through plugins, making it accessible for web developers without additional overhead.
  4. Simple Integration: APNG files can be integrated into web pages using standard HTML tags, similar to static images, simplifying implementation compared to alternative formats.


  1. File Size: APNG files can sometimes be larger than equivalent GIF files, especially for complex animations, due to the overhead of multiple frames and lossless compression.
  2. Compatibility Issues: While major browsers support APNG, some older browsers or specific configurations may not display APNG animations correctly without additional plugins or workarounds.
  3. Limited Tool Support: Compared to more established formats like GIF or even newer formats like WebP, APNG has relatively limited tool support for creating or editing animations.

How to Open APNG?

Open In Windows

  • Use web browsers like Google Chrome or Firefox, which support APNG natively. Alternatively, use third-party software like IrfanView for viewing and editing.

Open In Linux

  • Firefox and Chromium-based browsers support APNG. Use GIMP for editing APNG files or the default image viewer for viewing.

Open In MAC

  • Safari and Firefox support APNG natively. Preview and other image viewers can also display APNG files without issues.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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