.ARR File Extension

.ARR File Extension

MultiMedia Fusion Array File

Developer Clickteam

Average rating 4 / 5. Vote count: 11

Category Developer Files
Format .ARR
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an ARR file?

Files with the .ARR extension are known as MultiMedia Fusion Array Files. These files are primarily associated with Multimedia Fusion, a development tool used for creating video games and multimedia applications.

The .ARR files specifically serve as arrays within Multimedia Fusion projects, storing structured data essential for game logic, level design, and application functionality.

More Information.

The .ARR file format was integrated into Multimedia Fusion to enhance the management of data arrays.

Arrays in programming allow developers to store multiple values under a single variable name, making it easier to organize and manipulate data.

Initially, .ARR files were used to store game settings, level layouts, character attributes, and other structured data necessary for game mechanics and application behavior.

Origin Of This File.

MultiMedia Fusion (MMF), originally developed by Clickteam, introduced the .ARR file format to manage arrays of data efficiently within its projects.

Clickteam designed MMF to be a user-friendly platform for game and application development, appealing to both novice and experienced developers due to its visual programming interface and extensive feature set.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.ARR files are structured data files that typically contain arrays formatted in a way that Multimedia Fusion can interpret and utilize within projects.

The exact structure can vary based on the specific implementation within a Multimedia Fusion project, but generally, these files store data in a structured format that includes arrays of numbers, strings, or other data types.

Technical specifications often include:

  • Data Types: Support for various data types such as integers, floating-point numbers, strings, and Boolean values.
  • Structure: Arrays are organized in a way that reflects their use within the application, often organized by index or key-value pairs.
  • Compatibility: Designed to be compatible with Multimedia Fusion’s runtime environment, ensuring efficient data access and manipulation during application execution.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .ARR files may be necessary to utilize data in other applications or platforms.

While direct conversion tools are rare due to the proprietary nature of MultiMedia Fusion’s file formats, conversion can be approached indirectly:

  1. Export Data: Use MultiMedia Fusion’s export features to save array data in a universal format like CSV (Comma-Separated Values) or JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).
  2. Custom Scripts: Develop custom scripts within MultiMedia Fusion to export .ARR data into a format readable by other software tools or programming languages.
  3. Manual Conversion: In some cases, manual extraction and conversion of data may be required, involving rewriting data structures to match the requirements of the target application.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Structured Data Storage: Provides a structured way to store and access arrays of data within Multimedia Fusion projects.
  • Integration with Multimedia Fusion: Seamlessly integrates with Multimedia Fusion’s development environment, enhancing productivity and ease of use.
  • Efficient Data Management: Facilitates efficient data handling and manipulation, crucial for game development and multimedia applications.


  • Platform Dependency: .ARR files are primarily used within Multimedia Fusion projects, limiting their direct usability outside of this environment.
  • Limited Compatibility: Requires Multimedia Fusion or compatible software to interpret and utilize the data stored in .ARR files.
  • Complexity in Integration: Integrating .ARR files into external systems or tools may require custom solutions due to format specifics.

How to Open ARR?

Open In Windows

  • Install Multimedia Fusion from Clickteam, the software originally designed to work with .ARR files.
  • Double-click the .ARR file, and it should open within the Multimedia Fusion development environment.

Open In Linux

  • Similar to macOS, Multimedia Fusion is not native to Linux. Users can explore Wine (a compatibility layer for running Windows applications on Linux) or other virtualization options.

Open In MAC

  • Multimedia Fusion is primarily designed for Windows. To open .ARR files on macOS, consider using emulation or virtualization software to run Windows and Multimedia Fusion.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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