.ASEPRITE File Extension

.ASEPRITE File Extension

Aseprite Sprite File

Developer David Capello

Average rating 3.6 / 5. Vote count: 10

Category Raster Image Files
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an ASEPRITE file?

The ‘.ASEPRITE’ file extension is associated with Aseprite, a popular software tool used primarily for creating animated sprites and pixel art.

Aseprite is widely favored among game developers, artists, and animators for its intuitive interface and robust feature set tailored specifically for pixel art creation.

More Information.

Initially released in 2001 as an open-source project, Aseprite was designed to cater to the specific needs of pixel artists and game developers who required a streamlined tool for creating sprites.

Over the years, it evolved through community contributions and eventually transitioned to a commercially supported application while maintaining its focus on pixel-perfect art and animation.

Origin Of This File.

Aseprite originated from an open-source project aimed at providing a dedicated tool for creating and editing pixel art and animated sprites.

Developed by David Capello, Aseprite gained popularity due to its simplicity, powerful animation tools, and support for various pixel art techniques.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The ‘.ASEPRITE’ file format stores sprite and animation data created within the Aseprite software. It includes layers, frames, pixel data, color palettes, and animation settings.

The structure is optimized for efficient storage and quick rendering of pixel art, utilizing a straightforward format that retains all necessary information for editing and playback.

How to Convert the File?

Converting ‘.ASEPRITE’ files to other formats like PNG or GIF is straightforward within Aseprite itself:

  1. Export as PNG: To convert to a static image, simply export the sprite or frame as a PNG file. This preserves the artwork in a standard image format.
  2. Export as GIF: For animated sprites, Aseprite allows exporting to GIF format, which retains the animation frames and settings.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Specialized Tools: Aseprite offers a range of specialized tools for pixel art creation, including grid snapping, onion skinning, and custom brush creation.
  2. Animation Features: It supports frame-by-frame animation with onion skinning, timeline-based editing, and export options suitable for various game engines and platforms.
  3. Customizable Interface: Users can customize Aseprite’s interface and workflow to suit their specific needs, enhancing productivity and creativity.


  1. Cost: While Aseprite began as an open-source project, the current version requires a purchase for full access, which may be a deterrent for some users accustomed to free software.
  2. Learning Curve: Mastering pixel art techniques and Aseprite’s specific tools can require a learning curve, especially for those new to pixel art or animation.

How to Open ASEPRITE?

Open In Windows

  • Install Aseprite on Windows and double-click the ‘.ASEPRITE’ file to open it directly within the application.

Open In Linux

  • Aseprite is also available for Linux distributions. Open the application and use the file menu to load ‘.ASEPRITE’ files from the file system.

Open In MAC

  • Similarly, install Aseprite on macOS and use Finder to open ‘.ASEPRITE’ files by double-clicking them or using the ‘Open with’ option.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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