.AWD File Extension

.AWD File Extension

Microsoft Fax Document

Developer Microsoft

Average rating 3.7 / 5. Vote count: 10

Category Raster Image Files
Format .AWD
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an AWD file?

.AWD file extension is associated with Microsoft Fax, a component of older versions of Windows operating systems.

These files serve as documents containing fax images and metadata, facilitating the transmission and storage of faxed documents digitally.

This article delves into the origins, technical aspects, advantages, disadvantages, conversion methods, and compatibility of .AWD files across different operating systems.

More Information.

Microsoft Fax debuted with Windows 95, offering basic fax capabilities directly integrated into the operating system.

.AWD files were adopted to store faxed documents efficiently, combining image data and metadata such as sender information, timestamps, and recipient details.

This format gained popularity during the 1990s and early 2000s when faxing remained a prevalent communication method in business environments.

Origin Of This File.

The .AWD file format was introduced by Microsoft as part of its Windows Fax and Scan utility, primarily targeting business users and enterprises needing to send and receive faxes digitally.

This format aimed to streamline document transmission and archival, reducing reliance on traditional fax machines and paper-based workflows.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.AWD files are structured to store multiple pages of faxed documents. They typically include:

  • Image Data: Compressed raster graphics (often TIFF format) representing each faxed page.
  • Metadata: Information about the fax transmission, such as sender, recipient, date, and resolution settings.

Technical specifications for .AWD files specify the usage of Group 3 or Group 4 compression methods for fax image data, ensuring efficient storage and transmission over analog and digital fax networks.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .AWD files to more accessible formats like PDF or TIFF can be achieved through specialized software tools designed for document conversion. Here’s a general approach:

Using Microsoft Fax and Scan:

  • Open the .AWD file in Microsoft Fax and Scan.
  • Save or export the document as a PDF or TIFF file.

Third-Party Conversion Tools:

  • Various third-party software tools offer batch conversion capabilities from .AWD to PDF, TIFF, or other image formats.
  • Examples include Adobe Acrobat, ABBYY FineReader, and online conversion services.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Digital Archiving: Facilitates the storage of faxed documents in a digital format, reducing physical storage needs.
  2. Searchability: Metadata inclusion allows for easier indexing and retrieval of faxed documents.
  3. Integration: Seamless integration with Windows Fax and Scan utility for handling fax operations directly from the desktop.


  1. Compatibility Issues: Limited support in modern operating systems and applications due to technological advancements and the decline of fax usage.
  2. File Conversion Challenges: Converting .AWD files to more common formats can be cumbersome without dedicated software.
  3. Security Concerns: Since fax transmissions are generally considered less secure than digital communications, .AWD files may pose security risks if not properly managed.

How to Open AWD?

Open In Windows

  • Use Microsoft Fax and Scan (available in older Windows versions) to open and view .AWD files.

Open In Linux

  • Support for .AWD files on Linux is limited. Use virtualization software or compatibility layers to run Windows applications that can handle .AWD files.

Open In MAC

  • .AWD files are not natively supported on macOS. Consider using third-party software that supports Windows file formats or conversion tools.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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