.BCF File Extension

.BCF File Extension

Business Card Designer Pro File

Developer Belltech Systems

Average rating 3.7 / 5. Vote count: 28

Category Page Layout Files
Format .BCF
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an BCF file?

The ‘.BCF’ file extension is associated with Business Card Designer Pro, a software tool used for designing and creating professional business cards. These files contain all the data and design elements necessary to reproduce a specific business card layout.

Business Card Designer Pro offers users a straightforward platform to craft personalized business cards, catering to various industries and personal branding needs.

More Information.

The history of Business Card Designer Pro traces back to the need for customizable and professional business card creation software.

Initially released to streamline the design process for individuals and businesses alike, the software quickly gained popularity for its user-friendly interface and robust feature set.

The ‘.BCF’ file format was conceived to encapsulate all design elements such as text, graphics, logos, and layout preferences into a single, portable file.

Origin Of This File.

Business Card Designer Pro was developed by Belltech Systems, a software company known for its range of design and print solutions.

The ‘.BCF’ file format was introduced as a proprietary format specifically tailored for storing and managing business card designs within the software environment.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The structure of a ‘.BCF’ file is primarily binary, designed to store graphical and textual data efficiently. Key components typically include:

  1. Design Elements: Text fields for name, company, contact information, etc.
  2. Graphics: Logos, images, backgrounds, and other graphical assets.
  3. Layout Information: Positioning and formatting details for all elements on the card.
  4. Metadata: Information about the card design settings and preferences.

The technical specifications of ‘.BCF’ files ensure compatibility with Business Card Designer Pro’s rendering engine, facilitating accurate display and printing of the designed business cards.

How to Convert the File?

Converting a ‘.BCF’ file to other formats may be necessary for interoperability or archival purposes.

While direct conversion tools may not be widely available due to the proprietary nature of the format, alternative methods include:

  1. Export to Image Formats: Convert the business card design to common image formats like JPEG or PNG using Business Card Designer Pro’s export functionalities.
  2. Print to PDF: Utilize the print functionality within the software to generate a PDF file, which can then be shared or further converted if needed.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Customization: Allows users to create unique, personalized business card designs.
  • Ease of Use: Intuitive interface makes it accessible to users with varying levels of design experience.
  • Integration: Seamless integration with printing services for direct output.
  • Portability: ‘.BCF’ files can be easily shared and edited, preserving design integrity.


  • Proprietary Format: Requires specific software (Business Card Designer Pro) to open and edit.
  • Compatibility Issues: Limited compatibility with other design software or platforms.
  • File Size: Depending on design complexity, ‘.BCF’ files can be larger in size compared to simpler formats.

How to Open BCF?

Open In Windows

Install Business Card Designer Pro:

  • Ensure you have Business Card Designer Pro installed on your Windows system.
  • Double-click the ‘.BCF’ file to open it directly in Business Card Designer Pro.
  • Alternatively, open Business Card Designer Pro and use the File > Open menu to browse and open the ‘.BCF’ file.

Open In Linux

Use Wine or PlayOnLinux:

  • Install Wine or PlayOnLinux, which are compatibility layers that allow running Windows applications on Linux.
  • Download and install Business Card Designer Pro through Wine or PlayOnLinux.
  • Open Business Card Designer Pro using the installed compatibility layer and then open the ‘.BCF’ file from within the application.

Open In MAC

Use Virtualization Software:

  • Install virtualization software such as Parallels Desktop, VMware Fusion, or VirtualBox on your Mac.
  • Set up a virtual machine running Windows.
  • Install Business Card Designer Pro within the virtual machine and open the ‘.BCF’ file from there.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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