.BIZ File Extension

.BIZ File Extension

Broderbund Business Card File

Developer Broderbund

Average rating 2.6 / 5. Vote count: 14

Category Page Layout Files
Format .BIZ
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an BIZ file?

‘.BIZ file extension’ is primarily associated with Broderbund, a well-known software company that developed applications for personal and business use.

Specifically, ‘.BIZ files’ are used for storing business card designs created using Broderbund’s software suite.

These files contain graphical and textual information formatted to be printed on business cards, making them a convenient digital format for storing and sharing business card designs.

More Information.

Broderbund’s business card software revolutionized the way individuals and businesses created and managed their business card designs.

Before digital formats like ‘.BIZ’, business cards were typically designed and printed using specialized printing services or desktop publishing tools.

Broderbund’s software democratized this process, allowing users to design custom business cards on their computers, and save them in the ‘.BIZ format’, and print them on compatible printers.

Origin Of This File.

The ‘.BIZ file format’ originated with Broderbund Software, a company founded in 1980 that gained prominence for its creative and productivity software offerings.

Among these, Broderbund’s business card software allowed users to design and print professional-looking business cards easily.

The ‘.BIZ file’ became the standard format for saving these designs, ensuring compatibility across different versions of Broderbund’s software.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The ‘.BIZ file’ structure consists of both graphical elements (such as logos, background images, and textures) and textual information (including names, job titles, contact details, and company information).

These elements are organized within the file in a format that allows for easy retrieval and editing using Broderbund’s software interface. The file may also include formatting instructions specific to Broderbund’s printing and design tools.

How to Convert the File?

Converting ‘.BIZ files’ may be necessary to overcome compatibility issues or to migrate designs to other software platforms. Conversion methods include:

  1. Export to Common Formats: Broderbund software often supports exporting ‘.BIZ files’ to standard image formats like PNG or JPEG, suitable for sharing or further editing in other graphic design software.
  2. Third-Party Conversion Tools: Several third-party tools and online services offer conversion of ‘.BIZ files’ to more widely supported formats like PDF or vector formats (SVG or EPS), enhancing compatibility and usability across different platforms.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Ease of Use: Designed for non-designers, Broderbund’s software and the ‘.BIZ format’ simplified the creation of professional business cards.
  2. Customization: Users could personalize their business card designs extensively, incorporating unique graphics and layout choices.
  3. Compatibility: ‘.BIZ files’ ensured compatibility across different versions of Broderbund’s software, allowing for seamless editing and sharing of designs.


  1. Vendor Lock-In: ‘.BIZ files’ were primarily compatible with Broderbund’s software ecosystem, limiting interoperability with other design tools.
  2. Limited Editing Features: While suitable for basic to intermediate designs, Broderbund’s software and the ‘.BIZ format’ lacked advanced design features found in more specialized graphic design software.
  3. File Format Evolution: As technology advanced, ‘.BIZ files’ faced challenges in adapting to newer software environments and file standards.

How to Open BIZ?

Open In Windows

  • Install Broderbund’s business card software or a compatible version.
  • Use virtualization or compatibility layers to run older versions of Broderbund software on modern Windows versions.

Open In Linux

  • Utilize Wine or other compatibility layers to run Broderbund’s software on Linux systems.
  • Investigate open-source or cross-platform graphic design software that supports ‘.BIZ file’ conversion or import.

Open In MAC

  • Similar to Windows, use virtualization software or compatibility tools to run Broderbund’s software on macOS.
  • Explore alternative software solutions that support ‘.BIZ file’ import or conversion to macOS-compatible formats.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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