.BMD File Extension

BMD File Extension

MU Online Game Data File

Developer WEBZEN

Average rating 4 / 5. Vote count: 27

Category Game Files
Format .BMD
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an BMD file?

The .BMD file extension is predominantly associated with MU Online, a popular 3D medieval fantasy MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) developed by Webzen.

These files play a critical role in the game, storing various types of game data including character models, animations, items, and map information. The .BMD files are essential for the proper functioning and visual representation of the game world.

More Information.

When MU Online was in development, the primary challenge was to create a robust system for handling the graphical and data-intensive elements of the game.

The .BMD file format was designed to address this need. Initially, the files were used to store 3D models of characters, NPCs (non-player characters), monsters, and items.

The usage of .BMD files expanded to include animations, environmental assets, and map data. This evolution allowed the developers to streamline content updates and ensure the game could handle new and more complex graphical elements as it evolved.

Origin Of This File.

The .BMD file format was created specifically for MU Online, which was released in 2001. As the game developers needed a way to efficiently store and manage the complex data required for the game’s 3D models and animations, they developed the .BMD format.

This format allowed them to package the necessary data in a compact and organized manner, facilitating smooth game performance and easier data management.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The structure of .BMD files can be quite complex, given their role in storing a variety of game data. Typically, a .BMD file includes several key sections:

  1. Header: Contains metadata about the file, such as version information, file type identifier, and size.
  2. Model Data: Stores the 3D model data, including vertices, faces, textures, and materials.
  3. Animation Data: Contains information about the animations associated with the model, including keyframes and motion paths.
  4. Item Data: Details about in-game items, their properties, and how they interact with other game elements.
  5. Map Data: Includes information on the game’s maps, such as terrain, objects, and spawn points.

The exact specification of these sections can vary depending on the version of MU Online and the specific use of the .BMD file. Typically, the files are in binary format to ensure they are compact and load quickly during gameplay.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .BMD files can be challenging due to their proprietary nature. Some tools and methods can help:

  1. Third-Party Tools: There are several community-created tools specifically designed for working with MU Online’s .BMD files. These tools can often convert .BMD files to more common 3D model formats like .OBJ or .FBX.
  2. Custom Scripts: Advanced users with programming knowledge can write scripts (e.g., in Python or C++) to parse .BMD files and convert the data into other formats.
  3. Game Modding Software: Some game modding software suites support .BMD files and can be used to convert them to different formats. Examples include tools designed for extracting and editing game assets.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Efficiency: The binary format ensures quick loading times and efficient use of memory, which is crucial for maintaining smooth gameplay.
  • Organization: By compartmentalizing different types of data within a single file, the .BMD format helps keep game assets organized.
  • Flexibility: The format has evolved to accommodate various types of data, making it versatile and adaptable to the game’s needs.


  • Proprietary: The .BMD format is specific to MU Online and not widely supported by other software or games.
  • Complexity: The binary nature and complexity of the file structure make it difficult to edit without specialized tools or knowledge.
  • Limited Documentation: As a proprietary format, detailed public documentation on the .BMD structure can be scarce, posing challenges for modders and developers looking to modify the game.

How to Open BMD?

Open In Windows

  • MU Online Client: The primary way to open .BMD files is through the MU Online game client, which uses these files during gameplay.
  • Third-Party Viewers/Editors: Tools like BMD Viewers and editors created by the MU Online community can open and sometimes edit .BMD files.
  • Hex Editors: Advanced users can open .BMD files with hex editors to inspect the binary data directly.

Open In Linux

  • Wine: Use Wine to run the MU Online client or third-party tools designed for Windows. Wine can often successfully execute these applications, allowing you to open .BMD files.
  • Hex Editors: Linux users can use hex editors like HexFiend or Bless to open and inspect .BMD files at a binary level.

Open In MAC

  • Wine: Similar to Linux, Mac users can use Wine to run the MU Online client or third-party Windows tools.
  • Hex Editors: Mac users can use hex editors like Hex Fiend to open and inspect the binary contents of .BMD files.

Open In Android

  • No Direct Support: There are no native Android apps to open .BMD files directly.
  • Remote Access: Use remote desktop applications to access a PC that can open .BMD files.
  • File Transfer: Transfer the .BMD file to a PC using USB or cloud storage, then open it using appropriate software.

Open In IOS

  • No Direct Support: Similar to Android, there are no native iOS apps for opening .BMD files.
  • Remote Access: Utilize remote desktop applications to connect to a PC that can handle .BMD files.
  • File Transfer: Transfer the .BMD file to a PC using cloud services or USB, and open it with suitable software.

Open in Others

For other operating systems or devices, the best approach is typically to use remote access or file transfer methods to a compatible PC.

Specialized software and tools required for .BMD files are primarily available for Windows, so leveraging a Windows environment is often necessary.

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