.BMPR File Extension

.BMPR File Extension

Balsamiq Mockups Project

Developer Balsamiq Studios

Average rating 2 / 5. Vote count: 2

Category Page Layout Files
Format .BMPR
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an BMPR file?

The ‘.BMPR’ file extension is associated with Balsamiq Mockups, a popular software tool used for creating wireframes and mockups of user interfaces.

These files contain project data that includes layout designs, elements placement, and interactive components.

More Information.

Initially released in 2008, Balsamiq Mockups was created to streamline the process of prototyping software and web applications.

It aimed to provide a tool that could translate ideas into visual mockups rapidly, facilitating better communication between designers, developers, and clients during the early stages of a project.

Origin Of This File.

Balsamiq Mockups was developed by Balsamiq Studios, founded by Peldi Guilizzoni in 2008.

The software quickly gained popularity due to its simplicity and effectiveness in visualizing UI concepts without the need for extensive design skills.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The ‘.BMPR’ file format stores project data in a structured manner. It typically includes:

  • UI Elements: Such as buttons, text fields, menus, and other components.
  • Layout Information: Grid settings, alignment guides, and canvas dimensions.
  • Interactive Links: Connections between different screens or elements to simulate user interactions.
  • Annotations: Comments or notes added by users to explain design decisions or functionality.

Technical details often include XML-based storage for project metadata and PNG images for visual elements, ensuring compatibility and easy rendering across different platforms.

How to Convert the File?

Converting ‘.BMPR’ files to other formats may be necessary for compatibility or sharing purposes:

  • Export to PNG/PDF: Balsamiq Mockups allows exporting projects as PNG images or PDF documents for static representation.
  • Import to Other Design Tools: Some software tools support importing ‘.BMPR’ files, facilitating further editing or integration into different workflows.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Ease of Use: Balsamiq Mockups offers a simple drag-and-drop interface, making it accessible to users with varying levels of design expertise.
  • Rapid Prototyping: Enables quick iteration and visualization of ideas, speeding up the design process.
  • Collaboration: Supports teamwork through cloud-based sharing and version control features, enhancing project management.


  • Limited Design Customization: While ideal for wireframing, it may not offer advanced design capabilities compared to full-fledged graphic design software.
  • Dependency on Internet: Cloud-based features require an internet connection for full functionality, which can be limiting in offline environments.

How to Open BMPR?

Open In Windows

Balsamiq Mockups Software:

  • Download and install Balsamiq Mockups from the official website.
  • Launch the software and use the file menu to open ‘.BMPR’ files directly.

Open In Linux

Web Version or Virtual Machine:

  • Balsamiq Mockups does not have a native Linux version.
  • Access the web-based version of Balsamiq Mockups using a compatible web browser.
  • Alternatively, run Balsamiq Mockups on Linux through compatibility layers like Wine or in a virtual machine with Windows installed.

Open In MAC

Balsamiq Mockups Software:

  • Download and install Balsamiq Mockups specifically designed for macOS from the official website.
  • Launch the application and open ‘.BMPR’ files using the file menu.

Open In Android

Web-Based Access:

  • Balsamiq Mockups offers a web-based version accessible through a web browser on Android devices.
  • Log in to your Balsamiq account to access and view ‘.BMPR’ files stored in the cloud.

Open In IOS

Web-Based Access:

  • Use Safari or any other compatible browser on iOS devices to access the web version of Balsamiq Mockups.
  • Log in to your Balsamiq account to open and view ‘.BMPR’ files stored in the cloud.

Open in Others

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