.BMX File Extension

.BMX File Extension

Siemens Mobile Animations File

Developer Siemens

Average rating 3.2 / 5. Vote count: 12

Category Raster Image Files
Format .BMX
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an BMX file?

The .BMX file extension is associated with Siemens Mobile Animations, specifically used for storing animated graphics on Siemens mobile phones.

These files are integral to customizing the visual experience on Siemens mobile devices, providing users with the ability to personalize their phones beyond standard wallpapers and ringtones.

More Information.

Introduced during the era of feature phones, Siemens mobile devices were known for their robust customization options.

The .BMX files were part of this customization suite, enabling users to download, create, and share animated graphics that could be displayed on the phone’s screen.

This capability catered to the growing demand for personalization among mobile phone users in the early 2000s.

Origin Of This File.

Siemens, a major player in the mobile phone industry until the mid-2000s, developed .BMX files to enhance user interaction with their mobile devices.

These files allowed users to set dynamic animations as screensavers or background displays, adding a level of personalization that was relatively advanced for its time.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.BMX files are essentially small video clips encoded in a format optimized for mobile phone screens and limited processing power.

They typically contain animation sequences in formats compatible with Siemens mobile operating systems. The technical specifications often include:

  • Video Codec: Typically, .BMX files use proprietary codecs optimized for mobile playback, ensuring smooth performance on Siemens devices.
  • Resolution: Limited by the screen resolution of Siemens phones, usually low to moderate resolutions suitable for mobile screens.
  • Frame Rate: Typically designed for the display capabilities of mobile screens, ensuring fluid animation playback without excessive strain on the device’s resources.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .BMX files to more widely supported formats may require specialized software tools or conversion utilities.

Since .BMX files are proprietary and specific to Siemens devices, conversion options may be limited. One approach could involve:

  1. Siemens Mobile Software: Using official Siemens software designed for managing mobile content may allow for exporting .BMX files into more generic image or animation formats.
  2. Third-Party Tools: Some third-party multimedia converters might offer support for .BMX files, although availability and functionality can vary.
  3. Manual Conversion: In some cases, extracting individual frames from .BMX files and converting them manually into standard image or animation formats could be a practical solution.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Personalization: Allows users to customize their mobile experience with animated backgrounds.
  • Entertainment: Provides a visually appealing way to enhance the user interface beyond static images.
  • Community Sharing: Users could share .BMX files with others, fostering a community around mobile phone customization.


  • Compatibility: Limited to Siemens mobile phones, restricting usage beyond this specific ecosystem.
  • Obsolete Technology: With the decline of Siemens in the mobile market, .BMX files have become less relevant as newer smartphones prioritize different file formats and customization options.
  • Technical Limitations: Due to the technological constraints of older mobile devices, .BMX files may not offer the same quality or flexibility as modern multimedia formats.

How to Open BMX?

Open In Windows

  • Use Siemens-specific software like Siemens Mobile Manager, if available, to open and manage .BMX files on a Windows PC.

Open In Linux

  • Compatibility on Linux systems is generally limited unless specific emulation or compatibility layers are utilized.

Open In MAC

  • While Siemens primarily targeted Windows users, some third-party utilities might offer limited support for .BMX files on MacOS.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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