.BS File Extension

.BS File Extension

Printfox Bitmap Image

Developer Scanntronik

Average rating 2.3 / 5. Vote count: 4

Category Raster Image Files
Format .BS
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an BS file?

The ‘.BS’ file extension is associated with Printfox, a bitmap image format primarily used in older computing environments.

These files store graphical data in a bitmap format, representing images pixel by pixel. Printfox bitmap images were notably used in the Printfox software suite for bitmap graphics editing and printing tasks.

More Information.

Printfox aimed to provide users with an easy-to-use tool for creating and editing bitmap images. Bitmap graphics were widely used before the advent of vector graphics due to their straightforward representation of images using a grid of pixels.

The ‘.BS’ file extension served as a standard format for saving bitmap images created or edited within the Printfox application.

Origin Of This File.

Printfox bitmap images (.BS files) originated as a part of the Printfox software, developed initially by Fox Software in the early days of personal computing.

This software was popular in the 1980s and early 1990s for its simplicity in creating and manipulating bitmap graphics, primarily in office and desktop publishing environments.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The ‘.BS’ file format follows a straightforward structure typical of bitmap images:

  • Header Information: Contains metadata such as image dimensions, color depth, and other parameters.
  • Pixel Data: Stores the color information for each pixel in the image, typically arranged in rows and columns.
  • Palette Information: Optionally includes a color palette defining the available colors for the image.

Technical specifications may vary slightly depending on the version of Printfox used and the specific implementation of the ‘.BS’ format, but generally, it supports common bitmap features such as monochrome, grayscale, and color images with varying depths of color resolution.

How to Convert the File?

Converting ‘.BS’ files to more widely supported formats like JPEG or PNG can be necessary for modern workflows. Here’s how you can convert them:

  1. Using Conversion Software: Several third-party conversion tools can convert ‘.BS’ files to formats like JPEG, PNG, or even PDF. These tools often preserve image quality and metadata during conversion.
  2. Opening and Exporting: If Printfox is still accessible, you can open ‘.BS’ files within the software and then export them to a more modern image format using the software’s export or save-as functionality.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Simplicity: Easy to understand and manipulate for basic bitmap editing tasks.
  2. Compatibility: Widely supported on older systems that used Printfox software.
  3. Direct Editing: Allows direct pixel-level editing, making it suitable for detailed graphical work.


  1. Limited Features: Lacks advanced features found in modern image formats.
  2. Resolution Limitations: Typically supports lower resolutions compared to more modern image formats.
  3. Color Depth: May have limitations in color depth and palette options compared to newer formats like PNG or JPEG.

How to Open BS?

Open In Windows

  • Use legacy image viewers or converters compatible with Printfox bitmap images. Alternatively, consider running older versions of Windows in a virtual environment.

Open In Linux

  • Use Wine or other compatibility layers to run Printfox or use converters designed for Linux environments that support ‘.BS’ file format.

Open In MAC

  • Similar to Windows, you may need to use emulation software or converters to open ‘.BS’ files on MacOS.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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