.BSS File Extension

.BSS File Extension

Resident Evil Background Images File

Developer Capcom

Average rating 2.7 / 5. Vote count: 11

Category Raster Image Files
Format .BSS
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an BSS file?

.BSS file extension is associated with Resident Evil, a highly popular survival horror video game franchise developed by Capcom.

These files are used to store background images in the game, providing the eerie and immersive environments that players navigate.

This article explores the origin, history, structure, advantages, and methods for converting and opening .BSS files across different operating systems.

More Information.

The Resident Evil series debuted in 1996, and the .BSS file format was introduced to optimize the storage and rendering of the game’s rich environments.

Pre-rendered backgrounds were a common technique in the 1990s to provide high-quality visuals without the need for extensive computing power.

By storing these backgrounds in .BSS files, the game could present intricate scenes while maintaining performance on the limited hardware of the original PlayStation console.

The initial purpose of the .BSS file was to hold these detailed background images and ensure they were efficiently loaded during gameplay.

This method allowed the developers to create a cinematic experience with high visual fidelity, even with the hardware constraints of the time.

Origin Of This File.

The .BSS file extension is an integral part of the Resident Evil series, specifically used in the original PlayStation versions of the games.

The backgrounds in Resident Evil are pre-rendered images, which means they are static images created separately from the game’s real-time 3D graphics.

These pre-rendered backgrounds are stored in .BSS files, helping to create the detailed and atmospheric environments that are a hallmark of the series.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The structure of .BSS files are designed to store compressed image data along with metadata required for rendering the images correctly within the game. Here’s an overview of the typical structure:

  1. Header: Contains metadata about the file, such as the resolution of the image, the format of the stored data, and possibly checksum information.
  2. Image Data: The bulk of the file is the compressed image data. Resident Evil games often use a proprietary compression algorithm to reduce file size and improve loading times.
  3. Palette Information: If the image uses indexed color, the palette data will be included in the file to map the indices to actual colors.
  4. Additional Data: Some .BSS files may include additional information required by the game engine, such as animation frames or overlays.

Technical Specifications

  • File Extension: .BSS
  • MIME Type: application/octet-stream
  • Compression: Proprietary compression algorithm used by Capcom
  • Typical Size: Varies based on image complexity and resolution, generally ranging from a few hundred kilobytes to several megabytes

How to Convert the File?

Converting .BSS files to more common image formats (such as JPEG, PNG, or BMP) are not straightforward due to their proprietary nature. The gaming community has developed some tools and methods to facilitate this process:

  1. Custom Tools: Some fans and modders have created custom tools to extract and convert .BSS files. These tools are often available on forums or websites dedicated to retro gaming and modding.
  2. Hex Editors: Advanced users can use hex editors to manually extract image data from .BSS files. This method requires knowledge of the file’s structure and is generally not recommended for beginners.
  3. Game Modding Software: Some game modding software suites include features for extracting and converting game assets, including .BSS files. These tools are typically more user-friendly and provide a graphical interface for ease of use.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. High Visual Quality: The use of pre-rendered backgrounds allows for highly detailed and atmospheric environments that were not possible with real-time 3D graphics at the time.
  2. Performance Optimization: By offloading the rendering of complex backgrounds to static images, the game can run smoothly on limited hardware.
  3. Consistency: Pre-rendered backgrounds ensure that the visual quality is consistent throughout the game, contributing to a cohesive aesthetic experience.


  1. Lack of Interactivity: Unlike fully 3D environments, pre-rendered backgrounds are static and do not allow for dynamic changes or interactions.
  2. Fixed Perspective: The camera angles are fixed, which can sometimes hinder gameplay by limiting the player’s view and ability to explore the environment freely.
  3. Storage Requirements: Despite compression, high-quality pre-rendered images can take up significant storage space, which was a concern for the limited storage capacity of PlayStation discs.

How to Open BSS?

Open In Windows

  • Resident Evil Modding Tools: Use community-developed tools specifically designed for Resident Evil files. These tools can open and preview .BSS files.
  • Hex Editors: Advanced users can use hex editors like HxD to inspect the file content directly.

Open In Linux

  • Wine: Use Wine to run Windows-based Resident Evil modding tools on Linux.
  • Hex Editors: Hex editors like GHex or Bless can be used to view and analyze .BSS files.

Open In MAC

  • Emulators and Modding Tools: Use cross-platform tools and emulators that support running Windows applications on macOS.
  • Hex Editors: Hex Fiend is a popular hex editor for macOS that can be used to inspect .BSS files.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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