.CAJ File Extension

.CAJ File Extension

Chinese Academic Journal File

Developer China National Knowledge Infrastructure

Average rating 3.1 / 5. Vote count: 10

Category Page Layout Files
Format .CAJ
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an CAJ file?

.CAJ file extension is primarily associated with Chinese Academic Journal (CAJ) files. These files are widely used in China to store academic and research papers, including journals, dissertations, conference proceedings, and other scholarly articles.

CAJ files are a pivotal component in Chinese academic databases, providing researchers and scholars with access to a vast repository of scientific knowledge.

More Information.

The inception of the .CAJ file format dates back to the early 2000s, during the rapid digitization of academic resources in China.

The primary purpose of developing this format was to create a standardized digital format that could encapsulate a wide range of academic documents.

The format was intended to support the storage of text, images, tables, and other relevant data, making it versatile enough to handle the diverse nature of academic content.

Origin Of This File.

The .CAJ file format was developed by Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Tsinghua University, to serve as the primary format for the Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) project.

CNKI is one of the most comprehensive academic resources in China, aimed at digitizing and disseminating Chinese scholarly work.

The CAJ file format was designed to ensure the efficient storage, retrieval, and distribution of academic content in a structured and standardized manner.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .CAJ file format is a binary file format, which stores data in binary code rather than plain text. This allows for efficient data compression and quick access. The structure of a .CAJ file typically includes:

  1. Header: Contains metadata about the file, such as the title, author, publication date, and source.
  2. Content Sections: The main body of the document, which can include multiple sections like abstracts, introduction, methodology, results, discussions, and references.
  3. Embedded Objects: Images, graphs, tables, and other multimedia elements that are embedded within the document.
  4. Indexes and Cross-references: Provides quick navigation within the document and links to external references.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .CAJ files to more universally accessible formats like PDF or DOCX can be accomplished using several methods:

  1. Using CNKI Tools: CNKI provides official tools like CAJViewer, which includes built-in options for exporting or printing .CAJ files to other formats such as PDF.
  2. Third-Party Software: There are third-party applications available that can convert .CAJ files. However, the reliability and quality of these conversions can vary.
  3. Online Conversion Services: Various online services offer conversion of .CAJ files to other formats. Users can upload their .CAJ files and choose the desired output format.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Comprehensive Format: The .CAJ format supports a wide range of academic content types, making it ideal for scholarly articles that often include complex structures with text, images, and tables.
  2. Standardization: As a standardized format for Chinese academic journals, .CAJ ensures consistency and interoperability across various platforms and institutions.
  3. Efficient Storage: The binary format allows for efficient compression and storage, reducing the file size without compromising on the quality of the content.
  4. Robust Metadata Support: The inclusion of detailed metadata facilitates efficient indexing, search, and retrieval of documents within large academic databases.


  1. Limited Accessibility: The .CAJ format is predominantly used in China, and software support outside of China is limited, posing accessibility challenges for international researchers.
  2. Proprietary Nature: Being a proprietary format developed by Tsinghua Tongfang, it restricts the use and modification of the format, limiting its adoption in open-source and international contexts.
  3. Conversion Complexity: Converting .CAJ files to other widely used formats like PDF or DOCX can be challenging and may require specialized software, potentially leading to compatibility issues.

How to Open CAJ?

Open In Windows

  • CAJViewer: The primary tool for opening .CAJ files on Windows is CAJViewer, developed by Tsinghua Tongfang. This software is specifically designed to handle .CAJ files and provides functionalities for viewing, printing, and converting them.
  • Adobe Acrobat: Some versions of Adobe Acrobat, with the right plugins, can open and convert .CAJ files.

Open In Linux

  • Wine: Linux users can run Windows applications using Wine. By installing Wine, users can run CAJViewer for Windows on their Linux system.
  • Virtual Machines: Users can set up a virtual machine with a Windows environment to run CAJViewer or other Windows-based software for .CAJ files.

Open In MAC

  • CAJViewer for Mac: Tsinghua Tongfang also provides a version of CAJViewer for macOS, enabling users to open and interact with .CAJ files on their Apple computers.
  • Parallels Desktop: Mac users can run Windows applications using Parallels Desktop, allowing them to use the Windows version of CAJViewer.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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