.CART File Extension

.CART File Extension

BrickLink Exported Cart

Developer The LEGO Group

Average rating 3.5 / 5. Vote count: 2

Category Data Files
Format .CART
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an CART file?

A .CART file is a data file used by BrickLink, a virtual marketplace for LEGO sets, parts, and minifigures. These files contain information about the items added to a user’s shopping cart on the BrickLink website.

Essentially, they serve as a snapshot of the user’s current shopping session, preserving the selected items for later reference or sharing.

More Information.

The concept of exporting shopping carts emerged as a response to user demand for enhanced shopping experiences on BrickLink.

Users could only save their shopping carts within their BrickLink accounts, limiting their ability to access or share cart contents externally.

Recognizing the need for greater flexibility, BrickLink developers introduced the .CART file export feature, empowering users to save and share their cart selections effortlessly.

Origin Of This File.

The .CART file extension originates from BrickLink’s implementation of cart export functionality. BrickLink introduced this feature to provide users with a convenient way to save or transfer their shopping selections.

By exporting their cart as a .CART file, users can maintain a record of their desired items or share their selections with others, such as friends or fellow LEGO enthusiasts.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The structure of a .CART file is relatively straightforward, consisting of encoded data representing the items within the shopping cart.

The technical specifications may vary slightly depending on updates or revisions implemented by BrickLink developers.

At its core, a .CART file typically includes details such as item IDs, quantities, prices, and any additional attributes associated with the selected items.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .CART files into a more widely usable format or opening them on different platforms involves utilizing compatible software or tools designed for this purpose. Below are general steps to convert .CART files:

1. Identify Compatible Software: Before attempting to convert .CART files, identify software or applications capable of interpreting or converting this file format. Look for tools specifically designed for LEGO enthusiasts or inventory management.

2. Download and Install the Software: Visit the official websites or trusted software repositories to download the chosen application. Ensure that the software is compatible with your operating system.

3. Import .CART File: Open the downloaded software and locate the option to import files. This may be labeled as “Open”, “Import”, or “Load”. Click on this option to initiate the file selection process.

4. Navigate to the .CART File: Browse through your file system to find the .CART file you wish to convert. Select the file and click “Open” or a similar command to import it into the software.

5. Convert or View the File: Depending on the software capabilities, you may be able to convert the .CART file into a different format or view its contents directly within the application. Follow the on-screen instructions provided by the software.

6. Save or Export the Converted File (if applicable): If the software allows for conversion into a different format, choose the desired output format and specify the location where you want to save the converted file. Follow any additional prompts to complete the conversion process.

7. Open the Converted File: Once the conversion is complete, navigate to the location where you saved the converted file and open it using compatible software. Ensure that you have the necessary applications installed to view or edit the converted file.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Portability: .CART files enable users to transfer their shopping cart selections across different devices or platforms.
  2. Convenience: Exporting a .CART file provides a quick and efficient method for saving or sharing shopping cart contents.
  3. Collaboration: Users can share .CART files with friends or collaborators, facilitating collaborative shopping experiences or wish list sharing.


  1. Platform Dependency: BrickLink’s .CART files are primarily designed for use within the BrickLink ecosystem, limiting their compatibility with other platforms or marketplaces.
  2. Data Integrity: There may be instances where discrepancies arise between the exported .CART file and the actual cart contents due to synchronization issues or changes on the BrickLink platform.
  3. Limited Functionality: While .CART files serve their intended purpose of cart exportation, they lack advanced features such as real-time synchronization or integration with third-party applications.

How to Open CART?

Open In Windows

BrickStore for Windows: BrickStore is a popular application for managing LEGO inventories and supports opening .CART files. You can download and install BrickStore on your Windows computer from its official website. Once installed, simply launch the application and use the “Open” or “Import” option to load your .CART file.

Open In Linux

BrickStore for Linux: BrickStore is also available for Linux distributions. You can download the Linux version of BrickStore from its official website or through package managers like apt or snap. After installation, launch BrickStore and import your .CART file using the provided options.

Open In MAC

BrickStore for macOS: BrickStore offers support for macOS as well. Download the macOS version of BrickStore from its official website or the App Store. Once installed, launch BrickStore and import your .CART file using the available options.

Open In Android

BrickLink Studio for Android: BrickLink Studio is a mobile application available on the Google Play Store for Android devices. You can download and install BrickLink Studio on your Android smartphone or tablet. After installation, launch the app and use its import feature to open your .CART file.

Open In IOS

BrickLink Studio for iOS: BrickLink Studio is also available for iOS devices and can be downloaded from the App Store. Install BrickLink Studio on your iPhone or iPad, then launch the app and import your .CART file using the provided options.

Open in Others

Web-Based Tools: There might be web-based tools or online services that offer support for opening .CART files. You can search for such tools using your preferred search engine and follow the instructions provided on the respective websites.

Third-Party Converters: Explore third-party converters or utilities designed to convert .CART files into more common formats that can be opened using a wider range of applications. These converters might offer support for various platforms beyond Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS.

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