.CH3 File Extension

.CH3 File Extension

Harvard Graphics DOS Chart File

Developer Harvard Graphics

Average rating 3 / 5. Vote count: 2

Category Page Layout Files
Format .CH3
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an CH3 file?

The .CH3 file extension is associated with Harvard Graphics, a presentation and graphic software suite originally developed for MS-DOS. The .CH3 file specifically represents chart files created using Harvard Graphics 3.0 for DOS.

More Information.

Harvard Graphics was released in 1986 and quickly became popular for its advanced charting and presentation capabilities. The .CH3 file format was introduced with version 3.0 of the software, providing users with a way to save and share complex charts and graphs created within the program. The primary purpose of these files was to enable the creation and manipulation of graphical data for presentations, reports, and other business-related documents.

Origin Of This File.

The .CH3 file format originates from the Harvard Graphics software suite, which was initially developed by Software Publishing Corporation (SPC). Harvard Graphics was one of the pioneering software packages for creating business graphics and presentations during the late 1980s and early 1990s.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .CH3 file format is a proprietary binary format designed to store charting information.

It typically includes data such as:

  • Chart type (e.g., bar, pie, line)
  • Data series and values
  • Chart formatting options (colors, labels, titles)
  • Layout information

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using Harvard Graphics:
    • Install Harvard Graphics: If you have an old version of Harvard Graphics, install it on your Windows system.
    • Open .CH3 File: Launch Harvard Graphics and open the .CH3 file.
    • Export or Save As: Use the export or save as function to convert the chart to a different format such as .BMP, .WMF, or .EPS.
  2. Using Emulators:
    • Install DOSBox: Download and install DOSBox, a DOS emulator.
    • Run Harvard Graphics: Use DOSBox to run Harvard Graphics. Mount the directory where Harvard Graphics and the .CH3 file are located.
    • Convert the File: Open the .CH3 file in Harvard Graphics and save it in a different format.
  3. Using Conversion Tools:
    • Search for Conversion Software: Look for specialized software tools that can convert .CH3 files. Some legacy file converters may support this format.
    • Online Services: Use online file conversion services that might support .CH3 files. Upload the file and choose a modern format for conversion.


  1. Using DOSBox:
    • Install DOSBox: Use your package manager to install DOSBox.
    • Run Harvard Graphics: Configure and run Harvard Graphics within DOSBox.
    • Convert the File: Open the .CH3 file in Harvard Graphics and export it to a different format.
  2. Using Wine:
    • Install Wine: Use your package manager to install Wine.
    • Install Harvard Graphics: Install Harvard Graphics using Wine.
    • Convert the File: Open the .CH3 file and use the save or export function to convert it to another format.


  1. Using DOSBox:
    • Install DOSBox: Download and install DOSBox for macOS.
    • Run Harvard Graphics: Configure and run Harvard Graphics within DOSBox.
    • Convert the File: Open the .CH3 file and export it to another format.
  2. Using Wine:
    • Install Wine: Use a Wine package manager like Homebrew to install Wine.
    • Install Harvard Graphics: Use Wine to install Harvard Graphics.
    • Convert the File: Open the .CH3 file in Harvard Graphics and convert it using the export function.


  1. Using Magic DOSBox:
    • Install Magic DOSBox: Download and install Magic DOSBox from the Google Play Store.
    • Run Harvard Graphics: Configure Magic DOSBox to run Harvard Graphics.
    • Convert the File: Open the .CH3 file and use the save or export feature to convert it.


  1. Using iDOS:
    • Install iDOS: Download and install iDOS from the App Store.
    • Run Harvard Graphics: Configure iDOS to run Harvard Graphics.
    • Convert the File: Open the .CH3 file and convert it using the export function.


  1. Using Online Conversion Services:
    • Find a Service: Search for online file conversion services that support .CH3 files.
    • Upload and Convert: Upload the .CH3 file and select the desired output format.
  2. Using Legacy Software:
    • Access Legacy Systems: Use legacy systems or virtual machines that have Harvard Graphics installed.
    • Convert the File: Open the .CH3 file in Harvard Graphics and export it to a different format.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Efficient storage of complex chart data.
  • Compatibility with Harvard Graphics, a widely used business graphics tool in its time.
  • Ability to store various chart types and formatting options.


  • Proprietary format with limited compatibility with modern software.
  • Requires Harvard Graphics or compatible software to open and edit.
  • Obsolescence due to the discontinuation of Harvard Graphics.

How to Open CH3?

Open In Windows

  • Install a compatible version of Harvard Graphics (if available).
  • Use a virtual machine or DOS emulator (e.g., DOSBox) to run Harvard Graphics if direct installation is not possible.

Open In Linux

  • Use a DOS emulator like DOSBox to run Harvard Graphics within a DOS environment.
  • Alternatively, use Wine to attempt to run Harvard Graphics directly.

Open In MAC

  • Use a DOS emulator like DOSBox to run Harvard Graphics within a DOS environment.
  • Alternatively, use Wine to attempt to run Harvard Graphics directly.

Open In Android

Use a DOS emulator app such as Magic DOSBox to run Harvard Graphics within a DOS environment.

Open In IOS

Use a DOS emulator app such as iDOS to run Harvard Graphics within a DOS environment.

Open in Others

  • Consider using online file conversion services that may support .CH3 files.
  • Use legacy software preservation communities or forums for assistance in accessing and converting .CH3 files.

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