.CIMG File Extension

.CIMG File Extension

CImg Image File

Developer CImg

Average rating 3.6 / 5. Vote count: 5

Category Raster Image Files
Format .CIMG
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an CIMG file?

The .CIMG file extension is associated with CImg, a small, open-source C++ toolkit designed for image processing. CImg is used for loading, saving, processing, and displaying various types of images. .CIMG files typically contain raster graphics that can be manipulated using CImg’s libraries.

More Information.

Developed by David Tschumperlé, the CImg library was designed to be easy to use yet efficient for image processing tasks within C++ programs. .CIMG files serve as containers for images processed or created using this library.

Origin Of This File.

The .CIMG format originates from the CImg library, a powerful C++ toolkit for image processing. It allows programmers to manipulate images and is commonly used in scientific and graphical applications.

File Structure Technical Specification.

File Structure: .CIMG files are typically binary files that store pixel data, metadata (such as image dimensions and color depth), and possibly processing parameters depending on how they were saved within the CImg library.

Technical Specification: Specific details can vary based on how the CImg library is used to save the image. Generally, it supports common image formats like JPEG, PNG, BMP, etc., and can handle various color spaces and pixel types.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using CImg Library: If you have the CImg library installed, you can write a C++ program to load a .CIMG file and save it in another format like JPEG or PNG.
  2. Using Image Conversion Software: Use image processing software like GIMP or IrfanView that supports a wide range of formats including .CIMG. Open the file and then export or save it in the desired format.


  1. CImg Library: Similar to Windows, utilize the CImg library in a C++ environment to handle .CIMG files and convert them to other formats programmatically.
  2. Command Line Tools: Use command line tools like convert (part of ImageMagick) to convert .CIMG files.


  1. CImg Library: Install the CImg library on macOS and use it in a C++ program to manipulate and convert .CIMG files.
  2. Graphic Converter: Applications like Graphic Converter for macOS can often handle .CIMG files. Open the file and export it to a different format.


  1. Mobile Apps: Look for image editing apps on the Google Play Store that support .CIMG files or can convert them to other formats.


  1. iOS Apps: Search for image editing or conversion apps on the App Store that support .CIMG files.

Others (General Approach):

  1. Cross-Platform Libraries: Use cross-platform image processing libraries like ImageMagick, which can often be compiled and used on various operating systems.
  2. Online Converters: There are online services available that can convert various file formats including .CIMG files to more common formats like JPEG or PNG.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Efficient handling of image processing tasks within C++ applications.
  • Customizable and extensible for specific image manipulation needs.
  • Provides direct access to pixel data and various image operations.


  • Limited compatibility outside of applications using the CImg library.
  • Requires knowledge of C++ programming for effective use.
  • May not support all features of standard image formats.

How to Open CIMG?

Open In Windows

Requires software that supports .CIMG files, often specific CImg library-related tools or converters.

Open In Linux

Similar to Windows, using tools or libraries compatible with .CIMG format.

Open In MAC

Tools or libraries compatible with .CIMG format are required.

Open In Android

Android apps that support .CIMG files or converters compatible with Android.

Open In IOS

iOS apps or converters that support .CIMG files.

Open in Others

For other operating systems, similar tools or libraries that support .CIMG format are necessary.

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