.CL2LYT File Extension

.CL2LYT File Extension

Comic Life 2 Layout File

Developer plasq

Average rating 2.7 / 5. Vote count: 3

Category Page Layout Files
Format .CL2LYT
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an CL2LYT file?

.CL2LYT files are used by Comic Life 2 to store layout information for comic projects. They contain data about the arrangement of images, text boxes, speech bubbles, and other elements within a comic page or panel.

More Information.

These files were introduced to facilitate the creation and editing of comic layouts, providing users with a structured format to organize visual and textual content.

Origin Of This File.

The .CL2LYT file extension is specific to Comic Life 2, a popular application developed by plasq LLC for Mac OS X and later versions.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.CL2LYT files are typically structured as XML files, which store information about the positioning, size, and content of each element within the comic layout. The exact schema and specifications can vary based on the version of Comic Life 2.

How to Convert the File?


  • Conversion: Direct conversion of .CL2LYT files to other formats isn’t straightforward due to their proprietary nature.
  • Compatibility: Use Comic Life 2 or newer versions that support opening .CL2LYT files on Windows. Alternatively, consider using virtualization software like Parallels or VMware to run Comic Life 2 on Windows.


  • Conversion: There are limited native options for .CL2LYT files on Linux.
  • Compatibility: Try using compatibility layers like Wine to run Comic Life 2 on Linux. Ensure that the version of Wine supports the specific requirements of Comic Life 2.


  • Conversion: .CL2LYT files are native to Mac through Comic Life 2.
  • Compatibility: Use Comic Life 2 or newer versions that support .CL2LYT files on macOS. Ensure compatibility with the macOS version you are using.


  • Conversion: .CL2LYT files are not natively supported on Android.
  • Compatibility: Convert .CL2LYT files to a format compatible with Android using third-party conversion tools on a desktop computer. Consider using PDF or image formats for sharing comic content on Android devices.


  • Conversion: .CL2LYT files are not natively supported on iOS.
  • Compatibility: Convert .CL2LYT files to a format compatible with iOS using desktop conversion tools. Use PDF or image formats for viewing comics on iOS devices.


  • Conversion: For other platforms, conversion options are limited due to the proprietary nature of .CL2LYT files.
  • Compatibility: Explore using cross-platform tools or converters that support Comic Life 2 formats. Virtualization or emulation may be required for unsupported platforms.

Advantages And Disadvantages.

Advantages: They provide a structured way to save and edit comic layouts, allowing users to easily modify and rearrange elements within their projects.

Disadvantages: Compatibility might be limited to specific versions of Comic Life, and sharing .CL2LYT files with users who have different software versions can sometimes be problematic.

How to Open CL2LYT?

Open In Windows

.CL2LYT files are primarily used on macOS, but they can be opened on Windows using Comic Life 2 if the software is installed via virtualization or compatibility layers.

Open In Linux

Compatibility with Linux is limited, but users can try using Wine or similar software to run Comic Life 2 for opening .CL2LYT files.

Open In MAC

.CL2LYT files can be directly opened on macOS using Comic Life 2 or newer versions of Comic Life if they support backward compatibility.

Open In Android

Comic Life 2 files (.CL2LYT) are not natively supported on Android or iOS. Users might need to convert these files to a compatible format or use alternatives available on these platforms.

Open In IOS

Comic Life 2 files (.CL2LYT) are not natively supported on Android or iOS. Users might need to convert these files to a compatible format or use alternatives available on these platforms.

Open in Others

Compatibility with other platforms or software may vary. Using cross-platform tools or converters might be necessary to open .CL2LYT files on unsupported systems.

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