Invantive Composition Template

Developer Invantive Software

Average rating 3.4 / 5. Vote count: 5

Category Page Layout Files
Cross Platform Update Soon


These files serve as templates used within Invantive Composition for creating and automating documents such as reports, invoices, and other structured documents.

More Information.

History: Introduced as part of Invantive Composition, these templates streamline the process of document creation by allowing users to predefine layouts, content structures, and data integration points.

Initial Purpose: Initially designed to enhance efficiency in document generation tasks within business processes.

Origin Of This File.

Developed by Invantive, the .COMPOSITIONTEMPLATE files are specific to Invantive Composition software, which is used for document automation and report generation in business environments.

File Structure Technical Specification.

Structure: Typically XML-based, .COMPOSITIONTEMPLATE files contain instructions for how data should be inserted into specific document formats.

Technical Specifications: Detailed specifications may include XML schema definitions and configuration parameters specific to Invantive Composition.

How to Convert the File?


  • Method:
    • Use Invantive Composition software on Windows.
    • Open the .COMPOSITIONTEMPLATE file in Invantive Composition.
    • Export or save the document in a compatible format such as PDF, DOCX, or another supported format.


  • Method:
    • Use Wine or a similar compatibility layer to run Invantive Composition on Linux.
    • Open the .COMPOSITIONTEMPLATE file in Invantive Composition through Wine.
    • Export or save the document in a compatible format.

macOS (Mac)

  • Method:
    • Invantive Composition does not have native support for macOS.
    • Consider using virtualization software like Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion to run Windows and Invantive Composition within a virtual machine on macOS.
    • Open the .COMPOSITIONTEMPLATE file in Invantive Composition running in the virtual machine.
    • Export or save the document in a compatible format.


  • Method:
    • Invantive Composition is not supported on Android natively.
    • Use remote desktop software to access a Windows machine where Invantive Composition is installed.
    • Open the .COMPOSITIONTEMPLATE file remotely on the Windows machine.
    • Export or save the document in a compatible format accessible from the remote session.


  • Method:
    • Invantive Composition is not supported on iOS.
    • Similar to Android, use remote desktop solutions to access a Windows machine with Invantive Composition installed.
    • Open the .COMPOSITIONTEMPLATE file remotely on the Windows machine.
    • Export or save the document in a compatible format.

Other Environments

  • Method:
    • Since Invantive Composition is primarily a Windows-based application, compatibility in other environments typically involves virtualization or remote access solutions.
    • Use virtual machines, cloud-based desktop solutions, or remote desktop software to access Invantive Composition and perform the conversion as outlined for Windows.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Streamlines document creation and customization.
  • Ensures consistency in document formatting.
  • Supports integration with various data sources.
  • Disadvantages:
  • Requires familiarity with Invantive Composition software.
  • Limited compatibility outside of the Invantive ecosystem.


Open In Windows

Open using Invantive Composition software on Windows.

Open In Linux

Invantive Composition may be used through Wine or similar compatibility layers on Linux.

Open In MAC

Invantive Composition is not natively supported on macOS but can potentially be run using virtual machines or compatibility software.

Open In Android

No native support; requires emulation or remote desktop solutions to access Invantive Composition.

Open In IOS

No native support; requires emulation or remote desktop solutions to access Invantive Composition.

Open in Others

Limited support outside of Windows, potentially accessible via emulation or virtualization solutions.

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