.CPH File Extension

.CPH File Extension

Corel Print House File

Developer Corel

Average rating 3.3 / 5. Vote count: 7

Category Page Layout Files
Format .CPH
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an CPH file?

Files with the .CPH extension are associated with Corel Print House, a software suite primarily used for desktop publishing and creating various print projects.

These files contain designs, layouts, and other graphical elements created within Corel Print House. Understanding the .CPH file format involves exploring its origins, technical specifications, advantages, and how to work with these files across different platforms.

More Information.

The .CPH file format emerged during a time when home and small business users sought affordable yet powerful tools for creating professional-looking print materials.

Corel Print House filled this niche by providing templates, clipart, and easy-to-use editing tools that didn’t require advanced design skills.

The software aimed to democratize desktop publishing, making it accessible to a broader audience beyond professional graphic designers.

Origin Of This File.

Corel Print House, developed by Corel Corporation, was a popular desktop publishing software in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

It offered users a straightforward interface to design and print various documents, greeting cards, banners, and other visual materials.

The .CPH file format was proprietary to Corel Print House, serving as the native file type for saving projects within the application.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The ‘.CPH’ file format stores project information in a structured manner, typically including:

  • Graphics and Text: Embedded images, vector graphics, and formatted text elements.
  • Layout Information: Positioning of elements, page setup details, and printing specifications.
  • Template Data: If based on a predefined template, metadata about the template used.

Technical details of the ‘.CPH’ file format are proprietary to Corel Print House and are designed to ensure compatibility across different versions of the software, preserving the integrity of the created projects.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .CPH files to more universally compatible formats like PDF or JPEG typically require using Corel Print House itself or third-party conversion tools. Here’s a general approach to converting .CPH files:

  1. Using Corel Print House: Open the .CPH file in Corel Print House and then export or save the project in a different format supported by the software, such as PDF or JPEG.
  2. Third-Party Tools: Various online conversion services or desktop applications may support converting .CPH files to formats like PDF. Ensure the tool supports .CPH as an input format before proceeding.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • User-Friendly: Corel Print House offered an intuitive interface suitable for beginners.
  • Templates and Clipart: Extensive libraries of templates and clipart facilitated quick project creation.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to professional design software, Corel Print House was affordable and accessible.


  • Proprietary Format: .CPH files can only be opened and edited using Corel Print House.
  • Limited Compatibility: As technology advanced, .CPH files became less supported by newer operating systems and software versions.
  • File Conversion Challenges: Converting .CPH files to more modern formats can be complex due to their proprietary nature.

How to Open CPH?

Open In Windows

  • If you have an older version of Corel Print House installed, you can open .CPH files directly by launching the software and loading the file.

Open In Linux

  • Similar to Mac, .CPH files are not natively supported, and emulation or virtualization of a Windows environment may be necessary.

Open In MAC

  • Corel Print House was primarily for Windows, so .CPH files may require emulation or a Windows environment to open.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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