.CPS File Extension

.CPS File Extension

The Powder Toy Save File

Developer hardWIRED

Average rating 4.4 / 5. Vote count: 17

Category Game Files
Format .CPS
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an CPS file?

The .CPS file extension is associated with The Powder Toy, a physics simulation game where users can create and manipulate various elements to simulate physics experiments.

More Information.

The Powder Toy was initially developed as an open-source physics sandbox game, allowing players to experiment with different materials and their interactions. The .CPS file serves as a snapshot of the simulation setup and state.

Origin Of This File.

The .CPS files are generated by The Powder Toy when users save their simulations, capturing the current state of the simulation environment.

File Structure Technical Specification.

  • Format: Binary format specific to The Powder Toy.
  • Content: Stores information about elements, their properties, positions, and interactions within the simulation.
  • Extension: Typically named with a .cps extension.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using The Powder Toy:
    • Open The Powder Toy on Windows.
    • Load the .CPS file within the application.
    • Export or save the simulation in a compatible format if supported.
  2. Third-Party Tools:
    • Explore third-party software that might offer conversion services or emulation of The Powder Toy on Windows.
    • Ensure compatibility and integrity of the converted file.


  1. Using Wine or Compatibility Layers:
    • Install Wine or a compatibility layer like Proton (for Steam) on Linux.
    • Install The Powder Toy through Wine.
    • Open the .CPS file within The Powder Toy running on Wine.
    • Export or save the simulation in a format compatible with Linux applications.


  1. Using Wine or Compatibility Layers:
    • Install Wine or a similar compatibility layer on macOS (e.g., WineBottler, CrossOver).
    • Install The Powder Toy through Wine.
    • Open the .CPS file within The Powder Toy running on Wine.
    • Export or save the simulation in a format compatible with macOS applications.


  1. Emulation or Virtualization:
    • Android does not natively support The Powder Toy or .CPS files.
    • Consider using emulation software like ExaGear Strategies to run The Powder Toy on Android.
    • Transfer .CPS files to the Android device and open them within the emulated environment.


  1. Platform Limitations:
    • iOS does not support The Powder Toy or .CPS files directly.
    • Look for alternative sandbox or physics simulation apps on the App Store that support similar formats or simulations.
    • Conversion to iOS-compatible formats may require using desktop tools and transferring converted files to iOS via cloud services or file transfer apps.

Other Platforms

  1. Emulation or Virtualization:
    • For other platforms not mentioned (e.g., BSD, other Unix-like systems), consider using emulation or virtualization software to run The Powder Toy.
    • Follow similar steps as outlined for Linux or macOS depending on the platform’s capabilities.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Enables saving and sharing complex physics simulations.
  • Preserves exact states for later analysis or modification.


  • Requires The Powder Toy software to view or edit.
  • Limited interoperability with other software or platforms due to proprietary format.

How to Open CPS?

Open In Windows

Open .CPS files by double-clicking and launching them with The Powder Toy software installed.

Open In Linux

Use The Powder Toy on Linux through compatibility layers or Wine, ensuring the software is set up correctly.

Open In MAC

Similar to Linux, use Wine or a compatibility layer to run The Powder Toy to open .CPS files.

Open In Android

The Powder Toy is not officially available on Android, limiting direct .CPS file compatibility unless through emulation.

Open In IOS

No native support for .CPS files due to platform limitations and software availability.

Open in Others

Compatibility on other platforms may vary; using emulation or virtualization techniques could provide limited access.

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