.DB2 File Extension

.DB2 File Extension

Samsung CCTV Video Information File

Developer Samsung

Average rating 3.7 / 5. Vote count: 19

Category Video Files
Format .DB2
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an DB2 file?

.DB2 files are proprietary file formats utilized by Samsung CCTV systems to store video information captured by surveillance cameras. These files contain crucial data, including video footage, timestamps, camera settings, and other metadata relevant to the recorded content.

Due to their specialized nature, .DB2 files are primarily associated with Samsung’s surveillance infrastructure, serving as integral components in the storage and management of video surveillance data.

More Information.

.DB2 files were introduced as part of Samsung’s efforts to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of video surveillance systems. By establishing a dedicated file format tailored to the requirements of CCTV applications, Samsung aimed to streamline the storage, retrieval, and playback of surveillance footage.

The development of the .DB2 format represented a significant milestone in the evolution of Samsung’s CCTV technology, offering users a reliable and standardized method for managing their security recordings.

Origin Of This File.

The origin of the .DB2 file extension can be traced back to Samsung’s development of comprehensive CCTV solutions.

As the demand for advanced security systems grew, Samsung emerged as a prominent player in the surveillance industry, offering a range of high-quality cameras, recording devices, and software solutions.

In line with their commitment to innovation, Samsung introduced the .DB2 file format as a standardized means of storing and organizing video data captured by their CCTV cameras.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.DB2 files adhere to a specific structure designed to accommodate various types of video data and associated metadata.

While precise technical specifications may vary depending on the specific implementation and version of Samsung’s CCTV systems, .DB2 files typically contain key elements such as:

  1. Video Frames: The primary component of .DB2 files are the actual video content captured by CCTV cameras. This footage is typically encoded using compression algorithms such as H.264 or H.265 to optimize storage efficiency while maintaining quality.
  2. Timestamps: Each frame of video within a .DB2 file is accompanied by a timestamp indicating the exact moment it was recorded. This temporal data is crucial for accurate playback and indexing of surveillance footage.
  3. Metadata: .DB2 files may include additional metadata such as camera settings, recording duration, file attributes, and other relevant information. This metadata enhances the usability of the surveillance footage by providing context and reference points for analysis.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .DB2 files to alternative formats may be necessary to facilitate compatibility with third-party software or to extract specific video segments for analysis or archival purposes.

While direct conversion tools for .DB2 files may be scarce due to their proprietary nature, alternative approaches can be employed:

  1. Export Functionality: Some Samsung CCTV systems may offer built-in export functionality to convert .DB2 files to more common video formats such as MP4 or AVI. This feature allows users to extract surveillance footage in a format suitable for playback on standard media players or editing software.
  2. Screen Recording: In the absence of native conversion tools, users can resort to screen recording software to capture playback of .DB2 files on a computer screen. While this method may entail some loss of quality and requires real-time processing, it provides a workaround for converting .DB2 footage to alternative formats.
  3. Third-Party Solutions: Although direct conversion tools for .DB2 files are scarce, third-party software solutions may offer support for Samsung’s proprietary format through plugins or specialized modules. Users can explore such options to identify tools capable of converting .DB2 files to their desired format.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Compatibility: .DB2 files are specifically designed for use with Samsung’s CCTV systems, ensuring seamless integration and compatibility with the company’s hardware and software solutions.
  2. Efficiency: By employing advanced compression techniques, .DB2 files enable efficient storage of surveillance footage without compromising on video quality, maximizing the available storage capacity.
  3. Metadata Support: The inclusion of metadata within .DB2 files enhances the usability of surveillance footage by providing valuable contextual information for analysis and review.


  1. Proprietary Nature: The .DB2 file format is proprietary to Samsung’s CCTV systems, limiting interoperability with third-party software and hardware solutions. This can pose challenges for users seeking to access or manipulate .DB2 files using non-Samsung tools.
  2. Vendor Lock-in: Due to the proprietary nature of .DB2 files, users may become reliant on Samsung’s ecosystem for managing their surveillance data, potentially leading to vendor lock-in and dependence on specific hardware and software components.
  3. Limited Flexibility: While .DB2 files are optimized for surveillance applications, they may lack the flexibility and versatility of more widely supported video formats, restricting options for data management and integration with other systems.

How to Open DB2?

Open In Windows

  • Users can utilize Samsung’s SmartViewer software, specifically designed for managing surveillance footage captured by Samsung CCTV systems, to open and playback .DB2 files on Windows-based computers. Additionally, third-party media players with support for H.264 or H.265 codecs may offer limited compatibility for viewing .DB2 files.

Open In Linux

  • Due to the proprietary nature of .DB2 files and the limited availability of compatible software for Linux distribution, accessing .DB2 files on Linux systems may prove challenging. Users may need to resort to alternative platforms or virtualization solutions to run Samsung’s software for viewing .DB2 footage.

Open In MAC

  • While Samsung’s official software may not be available for macOS, users can explore third-party video player applications that support H.264 or H.265 codecs to playback .DB2 files on Mac computers. Alternatively, virtualization software or dual-boot setups can enable access to Samsung’s proprietary software within a Windows environment.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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