.DEV File Extension

.DEV File Extension

Dev-C++ Project File

Developer Bloodshed

Average rating 3.6 / 5. Vote count: 29

Category Developer Files
Format .DEV
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an DEV file?

The .DEV file extension denotes a project file used by Dev-C++, an integrated development environment (IDE) primarily designed for C and C++ programming.

This file type is essential for managing the various components of a project, such as source files, compiler settings, and project-specific configurations.

Understanding the .DEV file extension helps programmers and developers efficiently handle and troubleshoot their development projects.

More Information.

Dev-C++ was initially released in 2000 and gained popularity due to its user-friendly interface and integration with the MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows) compiler.

The .DEV file extension was introduced as part of this IDE to encapsulate the project’s configuration and settings. The primary purpose of the .DEV file is to keep track of various elements of a C or C++ project, including:

  1. Source Code Files: The .DEV file references all the source code files associated with the project.
  2. Compiler Settings: It contains configuration details for compiling the project, such as compiler options and flags.
  3. Include Directories: Paths to header files and libraries used in the project are stored within the .DEV file.
  4. Linker Settings: Information about how to link the project’s object files into an executable is included.

The .DEV file helps streamline the development process by consolidating these settings into a single file, thus simplifying project management and compilation.

Origin Of This File.

The .DEV file extension originated with Dev-C++, a free and open-source IDE that was first released in the early 2000s.

Dev-C++ was created by Bloodshed Software and later maintained by Orwell. It is known for its simplicity and ease of use, making it a popular choice among beginners and experienced developers alike.

The .DEV file format was developed to store project-specific information in a structured manner, aiding in project management and compilation.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The structure of a .DEV file is relatively straightforward, consisting of a plain text format that adheres to a specific syntax. Here is a general overview of its components:

  1. Header Section: This section includes metadata about the project, such as the project name and version of Dev-C++ used.
  2. Source Files List: Paths to all source code files and their relative locations are listed.
  3. Compiler Settings: The file contains options for the compiler, including optimization settings and warning levels.
  4. Include Directories: This section specifies the directories where header files and libraries are located.
  5. Linker Settings: Details about libraries to link against and additional linker options are provided.

How to Convert the File?

Converting a .DEV file to be used with other IDEs or development environments typically involves several steps:

  1. Exporting Project: Use Dev-C++ to export the project to a more universal format if available. Some versions of Dev-C++ may offer an option to export to a format like Makefile, which can be more portable.
  2. Manual Conversion: Open the .DEV file in a text editor and manually transfer the settings to the new IDE’s project configuration. This may involve copying compiler options, include directories, and source file paths.
  3. Using Conversion Tools: Some third-party tools and IDEs might offer import functionality for .DEV files, but support for these tools can vary.
  4. Recreating the Project: In some cases, it may be easier to recreate the project from scratch in the new IDE and manually add the source files and settings.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Convenience: The .DEV file consolidates project settings and file references, simplifying project management.
  2. Integration: It integrates well with Dev-C++ IDE, making it easier to compile and debug projects within the environment.
  3. Customizable: Users can adjust compiler and linker settings through the .DEV file to meet specific project needs.


  1. IDE Dependency: The .DEV file is primarily tied to Dev-C++ and may not be easily compatible with other IDEs or development environments.
  2. Limited Support: As Dev-C++ is no longer actively maintained, the .DEV file format might not be supported by newer tools or updates.
  3. Text-Based Configuration: Changes to the .DEV file require manual editing, which can be error-prone if not done carefully.

How to Open DEV?

Open In Windows

  • Dev-C++ IDE: The primary application for opening .DEV files. Simply double-click the .DEV file, or use the “Open Project” option within the Dev-C++ IDE.
  • Notepad/Text Editors: For viewing or editing the raw content of the .DEV file, any text editor like Notepad or Notepad++ can be used.

Open In Linux

  • Wine: You can use Wine to run Dev-C++ on a Linux system, allowing you to open and manage .DEV files within the IDE.
  • Text Editors: Use a text editor to view or edit the .DEV file directly, but compiling and debugging will need to be done through alternative means.

Open In MAC

  • Wine or Virtual Machine: Similar to Linux, you can use Wine or a virtual machine with a Windows environment to run Dev-C++ and open .DEV files.
  • Text Editors: View or edit the .DEV file with a text editor, but compatibility with macOS development tools will require additional steps.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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