.DM4 File Extension

.DM4 File Extension

DigitalMicrograph 4 Image

Developer Gatan

Average rating 3.3 / 5. Vote count: 4

Category Raster Image Files
Format .DM4
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an DM4 file?

The .DM4 file extension is associated with DigitalMicrograph, a software application developed by Gatan, Inc. for capturing and analyzing images from electron microscopes. The .DM4 file format is primarily used to store high-resolution images along with metadata related to the imaging conditions and parameters.

More Information.

The .DM4 format was introduced as part of DigitalMicrograph 4, an update to the software that enhanced its capabilities in handling and analyzing electron microscopy data. The initial purpose of the .DM4 file format was to provide a robust and flexible way to store both the image data and associated metadata, facilitating more effective image analysis and data management in scientific research.

Origin Of This File.

The .DM4 file format originated with Gatan, Inc., a company specializing in instruments and software for electron microscopy. The format is designed to support advanced image analysis and processing within the DigitalMicrograph software.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .DM4 file format includes the following components:

  • Image Data: High-resolution image captured from an electron microscope.
  • Metadata: Information about the imaging conditions, such as magnification, exposure time, and instrument settings.
  • Annotations: User-added notes and labels that can be applied to the image.

How to Convert the File?


  1. DigitalMicrograph:
    • Open the .DM4 file in DigitalMicrograph.
    • Go to File > Save As or Export.
    • Choose the desired format (e.g., TIFF, JPEG, PNG).
    • Click Save.
  2. ImageJ:
    • Install ImageJ and the Bio-Formats plugin.
    • Open ImageJ and go to File > Open to select your .DM4 file.
    • Once opened, go to File > Save As and choose the desired format.


  1. ImageJ:
    • Install ImageJ and the Bio-Formats plugin.
    • Open a terminal and run ImageJ.
    • Go to File > Open and select your .DM4 file.
    • Use File > Save As to convert the file to the desired format.
  2. DM3 Lib:
    • Download and install DM3 Lib from its repository.
    • Use provided command-line tools to convert .DM4 files to other formats.


  1. DigitalMicrograph:
    • Open the .DM4 file in DigitalMicrograph.
    • Navigate to File > Save As or Export.
    • Choose your target format (e.g., TIFF, JPEG, PNG).
    • Save the file.
  2. ImageJ:
    • Install ImageJ and the Bio-Formats plugin.
    • Open ImageJ and load the .DM4 file via File > Open.
    • Convert the file using File > Save As.


  • Remote Desktop:
    • Use a remote desktop application to access a Windows, Linux, or Mac computer where you can perform the conversion using DigitalMicrograph or ImageJ.
  • Online Conversion Tools:
    • Upload the .DM4 file to an online conversion service using a mobile browser and convert it to a more common format.


  • Remote Desktop:
    • Use a remote desktop app to access a computer (Windows, Linux, Mac) and perform the conversion with DigitalMicrograph or ImageJ.
  • Online Conversion Tools:
    • Utilize online conversion services via Safari or another browser on iOS to convert the .DM4 file.

Other Platforms

  • Remote Desktop:
    • Access a computer with the necessary software to convert .DM4 files remotely.
  • Online Conversion Tools:
    • Use online tools to upload and convert .DM4 files to more common formats.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Comprehensive Metadata Storage: Includes detailed information about imaging conditions, which is crucial for scientific analysis.
  • High Resolution: Supports high-resolution images, essential for detailed microscopic analysis.
  • Integration with DigitalMicrograph: Seamless integration with the DigitalMicrograph software for analysis and processing.


  • Proprietary Format: Limited compatibility with other image processing software.
  • File Size: High-resolution images with extensive metadata can result in large file sizes.

How to Open DM4?

Open In Windows

  • DigitalMicrograph: The primary software for opening and analyzing .DM4 files.
  • ImageJ: With the appropriate plugins, ImageJ can open and process .DM4 files.
  • Gatan Microscopy Suite (GMS): Another software option from Gatan for handling .DM4 files.

Open In Linux

  • ImageJ: With plugins for .DM4 support, ImageJ can be used on Linux systems.
  • DM3 Lib: A library and set of tools that can be compiled on Linux to work with .DM4 files.

Open In MAC

  • DigitalMicrograph: Available for macOS for opening and analyzing .DM4 files.
  • ImageJ: Compatible with macOS, ImageJ can open .DM4 files with the necessary plugins.

Open In Android

There is no direct support for opening .DM4 files on Android devices. However, you can convert the .DM4 files to a more common format on a computer and then view the images on an Android device.

Open In IOS

Similar to Android, there is no direct support for .DM4 files on iOS. Converting the files to a standard format like JPEG or PNG on a computer will allow you to view them on iOS devices.

Open in Others

For other operating systems or platforms, the most reliable approach is to convert .DM4 files to a more widely supported format on a computer using DigitalMicrograph or other compatible software, then transfer the converted files to the desired platform.

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