.DVL File Extension

.DVL File Extension

Dalim Virtual Library File

Developer Dalim

Average rating 1.9 / 5. Vote count: 7

Category Raster Image Files
Format .DVL
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an DVL file?

The .DVL file extension is associated with Dalim Virtual Library, a software application primarily used in digital asset management (DAM) and collaborative workflows for managing and sharing digital content.

More Information.

Initially designed to streamline collaboration and asset management processes in print and media industries, .DVL files serve as containers for storing various types of digital assets such as images, graphics, videos, and documents.

Origin Of This File.

The .DVL file format originates from Dalim Software, known for its solutions in the field of print and media production workflows.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.DVL files typically include metadata and pointers to stored assets rather than the assets themselves, enabling efficient management and access to a large volume of digital content.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using Dalim Virtual Library Software:
    • Open the .DVL file in Dalim Virtual Library.
    • Export the content to a compatible format like PDF, JPEG, PNG, etc.
    • Save the exported file to your desired location.


  1. Using Dalim Virtual Library Software:
    • Similar to Windows, open the .DVL file in Dalim Virtual Library.
    • Export the content to a compatible format available within the software.
    • Save the exported file to a directory accessible from your Linux environment.

macOS (MAC):

  1. Using Dalim Virtual Library Software:
    • Install and open Dalim Virtual Library on macOS.
    • Import the .DVL file into the software.
    • Export the content to a format supported on macOS, such as PDF, JPEG, etc.
    • Save the converted file to your macOS system.


  1. Conversion via Cloud Services or Desktop Software:
    • Since Dalim Virtual Library software isn’t available for Android, convert .DVL files on a desktop using the software.
    • Transfer the converted files to Android via cloud storage or direct transfer methods.
    • Use Android-compatible apps to open the converted files, depending on the format (PDF viewers, image viewers, etc.).


  1. Similar to Android:
    • Convert .DVL files using Dalim Virtual Library on a desktop or macOS.
    • Transfer the converted files to iOS via cloud services or direct transfer methods.
    • Use iOS-compatible apps to open the converted files (PDF viewers, image viewers, etc.).

Other Platforms:

  1. General Approach:
    • For platforms not explicitly listed (like specialized devices or operating systems), convert .DVL files on a compatible desktop system using Dalim Virtual Library software.
    • Transfer the converted files to these platforms via supported methods or formats.
    • Ensure compatibility by choosing widely supported formats like PDF, JPEG, etc., for broader accessibility.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Efficient storage and management of digital assets.
  • Facilitates collaborative workflows.
  • Supports metadata for enhanced asset categorization and search.


  • Requires specific software (Dalim Virtual Library) for creation and management.
  • Compatibility issues with other DAM solutions may arise.

How to Open DVL?

Open In Windows

Requires Dalim Virtual Library software installed to open .DVL files.

Open In Linux

Similar to Windows, .DVL files require Dalim Virtual Library software.

Open In MAC

Dalim Virtual Library software is necessary for opening .DVL files on macOS.

Open In Android

No direct support; conversion to compatible formats may be necessary.

Open In IOS

No direct support; conversion to compatible formats may be necessary.

Open in Others

Support limited to Dalim Virtual Library or conversion to standard formats for broader compatibility.

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