.EDDX File Extension

.EDDX File Extension

Edraw XML FIle

Developer EdrawSoft

Average rating 3 / 5. Vote count: 24

Category Page Layout Files
Format .EDDX
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an EDDX file?

The ‘.EDDX’ file extension is associated with Edraw, a versatile diagramming and vector graphics software suite developed by EdrawSoft.

This file format specifically denotes Edraw XML files, which are used to store diagrams, charts, and other visual representations created within the Edraw application.

As XML files, they adhere to a structured markup format that allows for the storage of complex graphical data in a human-readable and machine-understandable form.

More Information.

Edraw has been a leading provider of diagramming solutions since its inception. The introduction of the ‘.EDDX’ file format marked a significant step towards enhancing interoperability and data exchange capabilities.

Initially designed to replace proprietary formats with a more open and accessible structure, ‘.EDDX’ files aimed to streamline collaboration and facilitate seamless sharing of diagrams among users and across different software environments.

Origin Of This File.

The ‘.EDDX’ file format originates from the need for a standardized way to save and share diagrams created using Edraw software.

Edraw, known for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive diagramming tools, introduced the XML-based format to ensure compatibility across different platforms and easy integration with other software applications that support XML data handling.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The ‘.EDDX’ file format follows the XML standard, which defines a hierarchical structure consisting of elements and attributes. Within an ‘.EDDX’ file, graphical elements such as shapes, lines, text, and formatting details are represented using XML tags.

This structured approach not only organizes data efficiently but also allows for easy parsing and manipulation by software applications.

Key components of an ‘.EDDX’ file include:

  • Diagram Elements: Represented as XML tags defining shapes, connectors, text boxes, etc.
  • Formatting Information: XML attributes specifying colors, styles, fonts, and other visual properties.
  • Metadata: Optional XML elements providing additional information about the diagram or its components.

How to Convert the File?

Converting ‘.EDDX’ files may involve exporting them to other formats supported by Edraw or third-party software. Common conversion options include:

  • Export to PDF: Preserves the visual layout for easy sharing and printing.
  • Export to Image Formats: Converts diagrams to formats like PNG or JPEG for embedding in documents or presentations.
  • Export to Office Formats: Direct conversion to Microsoft Office formats (e.g., ‘.DOCX’ or ‘.PPTX’) for seamless integration into reports or presentations.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Being XML-based, ‘.EDDX’ files can be opened and edited on various operating systems and software platforms that support XML parsing.
  2. Integration: Facilitates integration with other XML-compatible software systems, enhancing workflow automation and data interchange.
  3. Human-Readable: XML format ensures that even without specialized software, users can interpret and modify ‘.EDDX’ files using standard text editors.


  1. File Size: XML files can become relatively large compared to binary formats, potentially affecting storage and transmission efficiency.
  2. Complexity: While human-readable, the structure of XML files can be intricate, requiring familiarity with XML syntax for manual editing or troubleshooting.

How to Open EDDX?

Open In Windows

  • Edraw software itself is primarily Windows-based, offering full support for opening and editing ‘.EDDX’ files.

Open In Linux

  • XML editors or tools that support diagramming functionalities compatible with XML-based formats can open ‘.EDDX’ files on Linux distributions.

Open In MAC

  • Users can utilize Edraw software versions compatible with macOS or use XML-compatible software for viewing and editing purposes.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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