.EGM File Extension

.EGM File Extension

FaceGen Statistical Shape Model

Developer Singular Inversions

Average rating 2.5 / 5. Vote count: 2

Category 3D Image Files
Format .EGM
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an EGM file?

EGM files are primarily associated with FaceGen, a cutting-edge software renowned for its prowess in generating realistic human faces.

These files serve as repositories for statistical shape models, capturing the nuances of facial structures in a compact digital format.

From facial contours to texture mapping, every aspect of facial geometry is meticulously encoded within these files, enabling advanced facial manipulation and analysis.

More Information.

The primary purpose of EGM files was to encapsulate the statistical shape models generated by FaceGen.

These models, based on extensive data analysis of human faces, facilitated the creation of highly realistic 3D facial representations.

Initially embraced by the gaming and animation industries, EGM files revolutionized character design and animation, enabling developers to imbue digital avatars with unparalleled realism.

Origin Of This File.

The inception of EGM files traces back to the early 2000s when Dr. Paul Debevec and his team at the Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT) developed FaceGen.

Initially conceived as a research tool for facial animation and synthesis, FaceGen swiftly garnered attention for its unparalleled accuracy in generating lifelike faces.

As the software evolved, so did the need for a standardized file format to store and exchange facial data efficiently, thus giving rise to the ‘.EGM’ extension.

File Structure Technical Specification.

EGM file comprises a comprehensive representation of facial geometry and texture information. The file structure typically includes:

  1. Vertex Data: Precise coordinates of vertices defining the facial mesh.
  2. Texture Coordinates: Mapping information for applying textures onto the mesh.
  3. Normal Vectors: Orientation data crucial for rendering realistic lighting effects.
  4. Texture Images: High-resolution textures representing facial features such as skin tone, wrinkles, and pores.
  5. Metadata: Additional information such as pose parameters or landmark annotations.

EGM files are often stored in a binary format to optimize storage efficiency and rendering performance. Advanced compression techniques may also be employed to minimize file size without compromising fidelity.

How to Convert the File?

Converting an ‘.EGM’ file to a different format often involves exporting its contents to a more universally compatible format like OBJ or FBX. While this process can vary depending on the software being used, here’s a general guide:

  1. Open the EGM File: Launch the software that supports ‘.EGM’ files, such as FaceGen or compatible 3D modeling software.
  2. Import the EGM File: Navigate to the import option within the software and select the ‘.EGM’ file you wish to convert. This action loads the file into the software’s workspace.
  3. Export to Desired Format: Once the ‘.EGM’ file is loaded, locate the export option within the software’s menu. Choose the desired output format from the available options, such as OBJ or FBX.
  4. Adjust Export Settings (Optional): Depending on the software, you may have the option to adjust various export settings, such as texture resolution or mesh complexity. Modify these settings as needed to achieve the desired result.
  5. Export the File: After configuring the export settings, initiate the export process. The software will convert the ‘.EGM’ file into the selected format and save it to the specified location on your computer.
  6. Verify the Conversion: Once the export process is complete, verify that the converted file has been generated successfully and is accessible in the chosen format.

By following these steps, you can convert an ‘.EGM’ file to a more widely supported format, allowing for greater flexibility in its use across different software and platforms.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. High Fidelity: They accurately capture the subtleties of facial morphology, enabling lifelike rendering and animation.
  2. Interoperability: EGM files are compatible with a wide range of 3D modeling and animation software, facilitating seamless integration into existing pipelines.
  3. Efficiency: Despite their complexity, EGM files are relatively compact, making them ideal for storage and distribution.


  1. Complexity: Working with EGM files requires specialized knowledge in 3D modeling and animation, limiting accessibility to experienced professionals.
  2. Resource Intensive: Rendering and manipulating EGM files may require substantial computational resources, particularly for high-resolution models.
  3. Proprietary Format: While FaceGen provides tools for working with EGM files, the format itself is proprietary, potentially hindering interoperability with other software ecosystems.

How to Open EGM?

Open In Windows

  • FaceGen software is available for Windows operating systems. Simply download and install the FaceGen software from the official website.
  • Once installed, open FaceGen and use the “File” menu to import and open EGM files directly within the application.

Open In Linux

  • FaceGen provides support for Linux distributions as well. Download the Linux version of FaceGen from the official website and install it on your system.
  • Open FaceGen and import EGM files using the provided interface.

Open In MAC

  • FaceGen software also supports MacOS. Download the MacOS version of FaceGen from the official website and follow the installation instructions.
  • After installation, launch FaceGen and import EGM files using the same method as on Windows.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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