.EVT File Extension

.EVT File Extension

Windows Event Viewer Log File

Developer Microsoft

Average rating 3 / 5. Vote count: 6

Category System Files
Format .EVT
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an EVT file?

The .EVT file extension is used for Event Viewer log files in Microsoft Windows operating systems.

These files store log data generated by the Windows Event Viewer, which is a component of the Windows operating system that monitors and logs system, security, and application events.

The Event Viewer provides a centralized interface for system administrators to review and analyze these logs, which can be crucial for troubleshooting issues, monitoring system performance, and ensuring security compliance.

More Information.

The Event Viewer was first introduced with Windows NT 3.1 and has been a part of Windows operating systems since then.

The primary purpose of .EVT files is to provide a structured method for logging and storing event information.

This data is essential for diagnosing system problems, understanding application behavior, and performing security audits.

Initially, .EVT files were used to store event logs in a binary format, which could be read and interpreted by the Event Viewer.

With the release of Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, Microsoft introduced a new log file format called .EVTX, which replaced the older .EVT format.

The .EVTX format offers enhanced functionality and improved performance, but .EVT files are still encountered in older versions of Windows and can be important for maintaining legacy systems.

Origin Of This File.

The .EVT file extension originated with the introduction of Windows NT, which was the first version of Windows to use the Event Viewer.

The Event Viewer was designed to log detailed information about various system events, including errors, warnings, and informational messages.

Over time, this functionality has been expanded and refined across different Windows versions, but the .EVT file format has remained a key component for event logging.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .EVT file format is a binary format that stores event log data in a structured way. The file structure includes several key components:

  1. File Header: Contains metadata about the log file, such as the version, creation date, and size. This header helps the Event Viewer identify and manage the file.
  2. Record Entries: Each event is stored as a record entry within the file. These entries include details about the event, such as the event ID, timestamp, source, and message. The records are organized sequentially and are typically indexed for efficient retrieval.
  3. Data Blocks: Additional data related to events, such as user data and configuration settings, may be stored in separate blocks within the file. These blocks are used to enhance the detail and context of the logged events.
  4. Indexing Information: The file includes indexing information to allow quick access to specific events or ranges of events. This indexing is crucial for performance, especially in large log files.
  5. Security Information: Some entries include security-related information, such as user credentials or permissions, which can be used for auditing purposes.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .EVT files to other formats can be necessary for analysis or archival purposes. Common conversion approaches include:

1. Using Event Viewer:

  • Open Event Viewer on a Windows system.
  • Navigate to the log file you wish to convert.
  • Use the “Save All Events As” option to save the log file in a more universally readable format, such as .CSV or .XML.

2. Using Third-Party Tools:

  • There are several third-party tools available that can convert .EVT files to formats like .CSV, .XML, or .PDF. These tools offer additional features such as batch processing and advanced filtering options.

3. Using PowerShell:

  • PowerShell can be used to export event logs from .EVT files to other formats. For example, the Get-WinEvent cmdlet can be used to retrieve events and export them to a .CSV file for easier analysis.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Detailed Logging: .EVT files provide detailed logs of system and application events, which are essential for diagnosing issues and monitoring system performance.
  2. Centralized Management: The Event Viewer centralizes log management, making it easier for administrators to access and analyze log data.
  3. Historical Data: .EVT files can retain historical log data, which is useful for tracking long-term trends and conducting security audits.


  1. Limited Compatibility: The .EVT format is specific to Windows and may not be directly readable by non-Windows systems. This can limit interoperability with other operating systems.
  2. File Size: As logs accumulate, .EVT files can become quite large, potentially impacting performance and storage.
  3. Obsolescence: With the introduction of .EVTX files in newer Windows versions, the .EVT format may become obsolete for newer systems, leading to compatibility issues.

How to Open EVT?

Open In Windows

  • Event Viewer: The primary tool for opening .EVT files is the Windows Event Viewer. To access it, go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer. You can open and analyze .EVT files directly within this application.

Open In Linux

  • Using wine or similar tools: Since .EVT files are proprietary to Windows, Linux users need to use compatibility layers like wine to run Windows applications capable of reading these files, such as Event Log Explorer.

Open In MAC

  • Using Virtual Machines: Similar to Linux, Mac users can utilize virtual machines running Windows to access .EVT files. Tools like VMware or Parallels can help run Windows applications that open .EVT files.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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