.EVTX File Extension

.EVTX File Extension

Windows 7 Event Log File

Developer Microsoft

Average rating 3.2 / 5. Vote count: 21

Category System Files
Format .EVTX
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an EVTX file?

The .EVTX file extension represents Windows Event Log files, primarily used by Windows operating systems starting from Windows Vista onward, including Windows 7.

These files store logs of significant events that occur within the operating system, such as errors, warnings, or other system-related events.

The Event Viewer utility within Windows is the primary tool for viewing and analyzing .EVTX files. These logs are essential for system administrators and IT professionals who need to troubleshoot issues, monitor system activity, and ensure the security and stability of a system.

More Information.

The history of the .EVTX file format is closely tied to the evolution of the Windows operating system and its approach to event logging.

Before the introduction of .EVTX, Windows relied on the .EVT file format, which was used in older versions of the operating system such as Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.

The .EVT format had several limitations, including a lack of support for large log files, inefficient data storage, and potential vulnerabilities to corruption.

With the release of Windows Vista and subsequently Windows 7, Microsoft introduced the .EVTX file format as a replacement for .EVT.

The new format was designed to be more efficient, secure, and scalable, allowing for better performance in systems with large volumes of log data.

The .EVTX format also introduced new features, such as the ability to store more detailed event data and support for event correlation, which helps in identifying related events across different logs.

The primary purpose of the .EVTX file format was to provide a more reliable and effective way to log system events, ensuring that administrators and IT professionals had access to accurate and detailed information for troubleshooting and monitoring purposes.

Origin Of This File.

The .EVTX file format was introduced by Microsoft as part of a broader overhaul of the Windows Event Log system in Windows Vista.

Prior to this, Windows used the .EVT file format, which had limitations in terms of performance, scalability, and security.

The .EVTX format was designed to address these shortcomings by providing a more efficient and robust method for logging system events.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .EVTX file format is a binary file format that stores event logs in a highly structured manner.

This format is optimized for performance and scalability, allowing for efficient storage and retrieval of large volumes of event data. The structure of an .EVTX file is composed of several key components:

  1. Header: The header of an .EVTX file contains metadata about the file itself, including information such as the file signature, file size, and version number. This header is used by the Event Viewer and other tools to identify the file as a valid .EVTX file and to interpret its contents correctly.
  2. Chunks: An .EVTX file is divided into chunks, each of which contains a set of event records. Chunks are the primary unit of storage within the file, and each chunk has its own header that contains information such as the chunk size, checksum, and sequence number. The use of chunks allows for efficient storage and retrieval of event data, as each chunk can be processed independently.
  3. Event Records: Within each chunk, individual event records are stored. Each event record contains detailed information about a specific event, including the event ID, timestamp, source, and event data. The structure of an event record is highly flexible, allowing for the storage of a wide variety of event types and data formats.
  4. String Table: The .EVTX file format uses a string table to store commonly used strings, such as event messages and source names. This helps to reduce the overall file size by avoiding the duplication of strings across multiple event records.
  5. Checksums: To ensure the integrity of the event log data, the .EVTX file format uses checksums at various levels, including the file header and chunk headers. These checksums are used to detect and correct errors that may occur during file storage or transmission.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .EVTX files to other formats can be useful for analysis, reporting, or archival purposes. There are several methods and tools available to convert EVTX files:

Using Windows Event Viewer

  1. Open Event Viewer: Navigate to the Windows Event Viewer by searching for “Event Viewer” in the Start menu.
  2. Open the EVTX File: In the Event Viewer, use the “Open Saved Log” option to open the EVTX file you want to convert.
  3. Export as XML: Once the file is open, you can export the events as an XML file by selecting “Save All Events As” and choosing the XML format.

Using Third-Party Tools

There are several third-party tools available that can convert EVTX files to formats such as CSV, JSON, or plain text. Some popular tools include:

  • EvtxToJson: Converts EVTX files to JSON format.
  • LogParser: A versatile tool that can convert EVTX files to various formats, including CSV and SQL.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Enhanced Data Integrity: The use of checksums and chunks in the EVTX format ensures that event data is stored reliably, reducing the risk of data corruption.
  2. Improved Performance: The binary format and built-in compression make the EVTX files more efficient in terms of storage and retrieval, especially when dealing with large volumes of event data.
  3. Richer Event Data: The EVTX format supports more detailed event records, allowing for better analysis and troubleshooting of system issues.
  4. Compatibility with Modern Systems: The EVTX format is fully supported by modern versions of Windows, making it a standard tool for system administrators.


  1. Complexity: The binary structure of EVTX files makes them more complex to work with compared to simpler, text-based log files.
  2. Limited Compatibility with Non-Windows Systems: While EVTX files are supported by Windows systems, they may require additional tools or software to be opened and analyzed on non-Windows platforms.
  3. Potential for Large File Sizes: Depending on the volume of events logged, EVTX files can become quite large, potentially leading to storage concerns.

How to Open EVTX?

Open In Windows

  • Event Viewer: The primary tool for opening and analyzing EVTX files on Windows is the Event Viewer. Simply open the Event Viewer and use the “Open Saved Log” option to load the EVTX file.
  • PowerShell: You can also use PowerShell to view and analyze EVTX files. The Get-WinEvent cmdlet allows you to query and display events from EVTX files.

Open In Linux

  • EvtxView: A tool available on Linux systems that allows you to open and view EVTX files.
  • Log2Timeline: A forensic tool that can process EVTX files and output the events in various formats for analysis.

Open In MAC

  • EVTXtract: A command-line tool that can parse EVTX files on macOS, converting them into more accessible formats like XML or JSON.
  • Wine: You can run Windows Event Viewer or other compatible tools through Wine to open and analyze EVTX files on macOS.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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