.EXTR File Extension

.EXTR File Extension

COW App Extractor File

Developer IXI International

Average rating 1.3 / 5. Vote count: 3

Category Encoded Files
Format .EXTR
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an EXTR file?

.EXTR files are predominantly utilized by the COW App Extractor, a software tool designed for extracting application data from Android devices.

These files serve as containers for the extracted data, encapsulating various elements such as application packages, resources, and other pertinent information essential for analysis or further processing.

More Information.

The inception of .EXTR files aligns closely with the development of the COW App Extractor, which was conceptualized to streamline the extraction process of application data from Android devices.

Initially envisioned as a tool for forensic investigators and security professionals, the COW App Extractor provided a comprehensive solution for extracting data from installed applications, enabling deeper insights into app behavior and facilitating the investigation of security incidents or digital crimes.

Origin Of This File.

The genesis of .EXTR files can be traced back to the evolution of mobile technology and the increasing demand for robust tools to extract and analyze application data.

With the proliferation of Android devices and the burgeoning app ecosystem, there arose a necessity for efficient methods to access and manipulate application data for diverse purposes, including forensic analysis, debugging, and performance optimization.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.EXTR files exhibit a structured format optimized for storing application data in a compact and organized manner.

While the specific structure may vary based on the content being extracted, typical components found within .EXTR files include:

  1. Application Packages: These are the core executable files comprising the application code.
  2. Resources: This encompasses various resources utilized by the application, such as images, audio files, XML layouts, and configuration files.
  3. Metadata: Essential information about the extracted data, including timestamps, file permissions, and other attributes.
  4. Manifest: A manifest file outlining the structure and dependencies of the extracted data, providing insights into the application’s architecture and functionality.

.EXTR files adhere to established file formatting standards, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of software applications and platforms. Additionally, they may incorporate encryption or compression techniques to enhance data security and reduce file size.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .EXTR files to alternative formats may be necessary to accommodate specific requirements or interoperability needs.

While direct conversion options for .EXTR files may be limited due to their specialized nature, alternative approaches include:

  1. Data Extraction: Utilize the COW App Extractor or similar tools to extract the desired data from .EXTR files in a compatible format, such as plain text or commonly used file formats like CSV or JSON.
  2. Manual Extraction: Manually extract the required information from .EXTR files using text editors or scripting languages, then reformat or convert the extracted data as needed.
  3. Custom Scripting: Develop custom scripts or software applications to parse and convert .EXTR files to desired formats, leveraging programming languages like Python or Java for automation and flexibility.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Comprehensive Data Extraction: .EXTR files facilitate the extraction of a diverse range of application data, enabling thorough analysis and investigation.
  • Structured Format: The organized structure of .EXTR files enhance readability and facilitate efficient data processing.
  • Platform Compatibility: Compatibility with multiple operating systems and software tools ensures widespread accessibility and usability.


  • Limited Utility: .EXTR files are primarily intended for use with the COW App Extractor, limiting their utility outside of this context.
  • Dependency on Third-Party Tools: Users reliant on .EXTR files may need to depend on specific software tools like the COW App Extractor, potentially leading to compatibility issues or reliance on proprietary solutions.

How to Open EXTR?

Open In Windows

  • Utilize the COW App Extractor for Windows or compatible forensic analysis tools with support for .EXTR file extraction.

Open In Linux

  • Leverage Wine or similar compatibility layers to run Windows-based forensic tools on Linux systems.
  • Investigate open-source forensic analysis tools with support for .EXTR file extraction and analysis.

Open In MAC

  • Employ virtualization software to run Windows-based forensic tools capable of handling .EXTR files.
  • Explore alternative software solutions with cross-platform compatibility or web-based extraction capabilities.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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