.FB! File Extension

.FB! File Extension

FlashGet Incomplete Download File

Developer FlashGet

Average rating 4.1 / 5. Vote count: 15

Category Misc Files
Format .FB!
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an FB! file?

The .FB! file extension is associated with FlashGet, a popular download manager that was widely used during the early 2000s.

Files with the .FB! extension are incomplete downloads that FlashGet manages. This extension is added to files that are currently being downloaded but have not yet finished.

Once the download completes successfully, the .FB! extension is removed, and the file is restored to its intended format and usable state.

FlashGet was designed to accelerate download speeds by splitting files into smaller segments and downloading them simultaneously.

This method, known as “multi-threaded downloading,” allows users to maximize their available bandwidth. The .FB! extension plays a crucial role in this process by marking files as incomplete, preventing them from being mistakenly accessed or used before the download is finalized.

More Information.

The primary purpose of the .FB! file extension is to signify an incomplete download. During the early days of the internet, download speeds were much slower, and interruptions were common.

FlashGet addressed these challenges by allowing users to pause and resume downloads, rather than starting over from scratch each time a connection was lost.

The .FB! file serves as a placeholder, marking the progress of a download and enabling it to resume from where it left off.

Initially, FlashGet was developed to support HTTP and FTP protocols, but over time, it expanded to include support for BitTorrent, eMule, and other file-sharing protocols.

As FlashGet evolved, so did the role of the .FB! file, becoming integral to its download management system. The extension ensured that files were only accessible once fully downloaded, thereby preventing data corruption or incomplete file usage.

Origin Of This File.

The .FB! extension originated with FlashGet, a download manager first released in 1999 by a Chinese software company.

FlashGet quickly gained popularity due to its speed and efficiency, particularly in regions with slower internet connections where download acceleration was highly valued.

The software’s ability to manage and resume downloads was revolutionary at the time, and the .FB! file extension became a recognizable part of the downloading process for millions of users.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .FB! file itself doesn’t have a complex structure; it’s essentially a partial file with an added extension to indicate its incomplete status. Here’s a breakdown of its characteristics:

  • File Name: The original file name is preserved, but the .FB! extension is appended to indicate its incomplete state. For example, a downloading file named movie.mp4 would appear as movie.mp4.fb!.
  • File Size: The size of an .FB! file corresponds to the portion of the file that has been downloaded so far. As the download progresses, the file size increases until the full file is downloaded.
  • File Data: The file data within an .FB! file is the same as the data in the completed file, but it is incomplete. The download manager organizes and stores the data in segments, which are later merged into the final file.
  • Metadata: FlashGet may store additional metadata related to the download, such as the download URL, download progress, and other parameters necessary to resume the download.
  • Conversion Process: Upon completion of the download, FlashGet automatically removes the .FB! extension, and the file is converted back to its intended format, making it fully functional.

How to Convert the File?

Converting a .FB! file to its intended format is straightforward, but it requires the download to be completed through FlashGet. Here are the steps:

  1. Complete the Download: Open FlashGet and allow the download to continue until it is finished. The .FB! extension will be automatically removed by FlashGet once the download is complete.
  2. Manual Removal (Not Recommended): Although not recommended, users can manually remove the .FB! extension by renaming the file. However, this should only be done if the download is fully complete, as removing the extension prematurely can result in an unusable or corrupted file.
  3. Alternative Download Managers: If FlashGet is no longer available, users may try to use other download managers that support multi-threaded downloads and resume capabilities. However, this process might not always work seamlessly, as compatibility with the .FB! format is limited.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Resumable Downloads: The .FB! extension allows FlashGet to resume interrupted downloads, saving time and bandwidth, especially in cases of unstable internet connections.
  2. Data Integrity: By marking files as incomplete, the .FB! extension helps prevent users from opening or using files that are not fully downloaded, reducing the risk of data corruption.
  3. Download Management: FlashGet’s use of the .FB! extension simplifies download management by clearly distinguishing between completed and incomplete files.


  1. Compatibility Issues: Files with the .FB! extension are not recognized by other applications, meaning they cannot be opened or used until the download is complete and the extension is removed.
  2. Potential Confusion: Users unfamiliar with the .FB! extension might mistakenly believe that the file is corrupted or unusable, leading to confusion.
  3. Dependency on FlashGet: The .FB! file extension is specific to FlashGet, meaning that users must use this software to manage and complete their downloads.

How to Open FB!?

Open In Windows

  • Using FlashGet: The most straightforward method is to open the .FB! file using FlashGet. Ensure the download is complete to remove the extension and access the file in its intended format.
  • Manual Method: Once the download is finished, you can rename the file to remove the .FB! extension, allowing it to open with the appropriate software.

Open In Linux

  • FlashGet on Linux: Similar to macOS, running FlashGet on Linux may require a compatibility layer like Wine. Once the download is complete, the .FB! extension can be removed.
  • Linux Alternatives: Some Linux-based download managers might support the continuation of .FB! downloads, but success varies depending on the software.

Open In MAC

  • FlashGet on macOS: FlashGet is primarily designed for Windows, so using it on macOS may require an emulator or virtual machine. Once the download is complete, follow the same process to remove the .FB! extension.
  • Alternative Software: Other download managers compatible with macOS may be able to resume and complete .FB! downloads, but this is not guaranteed.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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