.FEEDBACK File Extension

.FEEDBACK File Extension

Expression SketchFlow Feedback File

Developer Microsoft

Average rating 2.7 / 5. Vote count: 6

Category Misc Files
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an FEEDBACK file?

The .FEEDBACK file extension is associated with Microsoft Expression SketchFlow, a tool used for creating interactive prototypes and user interface mockups.

These files are generated as part of the feedback process within SketchFlow projects, where reviewers can add annotations, comments, and suggestions to the prototypes.

The .FEEDBACK files are crucial in the iterative design process, allowing designers and developers to incorporate user input directly into their workflow, ensuring that the final product meets user expectations.

More Information.

The .FEEDBACK file format was developed as part of the broader initiative by Microsoft to provide a more integrated and user-friendly design environment.

Before SketchFlow and the .FEEDBACK file format, designers often struggled with the disjointed nature of design tools and the difficulty of incorporating feedback into their prototypes.

SketchFlow addressed this issue by allowing for the creation of interactive prototypes that could be easily shared and reviewed.

The primary purpose of the .FEEDBACK file was to capture detailed feedback on SketchFlow prototypes. Reviewers could interact with the prototype, add comments, draw annotations, and provide suggestions directly within the SketchFlow environment.

This feedback was then saved in the .FEEDBACK file, which could be loaded back into SketchFlow for review and action by the designer.

The introduction of the .FEEDBACK file format marked a significant shift in how feedback was handled in the design process.

It allowed for a more structured and organized approach to managing feedback, making it easier for designers to track changes, understand user needs, and iterate on their designs.

Origin Of This File.

The .FEEDBACK file format was introduced as part of Microsoft Expression Studio, specifically with SketchFlow, which was designed to streamline the process of creating and refining user interfaces.

Expression Studio was launched in 2007 as a suite of professional design tools aimed at enhancing user experience across various Microsoft platforms.

SketchFlow was included in Expression Blend, a component of Expression Studio, and it allowed designers to rapidly prototype applications and gather feedback from stakeholders.

The .FEEDBACK file format was created to support the collaborative nature of SketchFlow, where feedback from different team members or clients could be consolidated and managed efficiently.

The introduction of this file format was a response to the growing need for tools that could facilitate iterative design, allowing for continuous improvement based on user input.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .FEEDBACK file is typically an XML-based file that stores feedback data in a structured format.

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is widely used for storing and transporting data, and it is particularly well-suited for files like .FEEDBACK, where hierarchical data such as comments, annotations, and other feedback elements need to be stored.

Key Components of a .FEEDBACK File:

  1. Feedback Entries: Each feedback entry is stored as a separate XML element, with attributes such as the comment text, the author, and the timestamp. These entries can also include additional information like the location within the prototype where the feedback is relevant.
  2. Annotations: Annotations may be stored as XML elements or references to external image files if they include visual elements like drawings or highlights.
  3. Metadata: Metadata includes information about the prototype, the reviewer, and the session during which the feedback was provided. This could include version information, timestamps, and user IDs.
  4. Structure: The XML structure is hierarchical, with a root element that contains all feedback entries and associated data. The hierarchical nature of XML allows for easy parsing and processing of the feedback data by SketchFlow.

The XML format of .FEEDBACK files makes them both human-readable and machine-readable, allowing for easy editing, sharing, and processing. Additionally, because XML is a widely adopted standard, it facilitates the potential for interoperability with other tools and systems.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .FEEDBACK files to other formats is not a straightforward process, as the files are specifically designed for use within SketchFlow. There are a few approaches that can be taken depending on the user’s needs:

  1. Export Feedback: Within SketchFlow, users can export feedback in different formats, such as PDF or text files. This allows the feedback to be shared with stakeholders who may not have access to SketchFlow.
  2. Manual Conversion: Since .FEEDBACK files are XML-based, they can be manually converted to other XML-compatible formats, such as JSON, using a text editor or an XML-to-JSON converter. This can be useful for integrating feedback into other systems or tools.
  3. Custom Scripts: Users with programming experience can write custom scripts in languages like Python or JavaScript to parse .FEEDBACK files and convert them into other formats, such as CSV or HTML.

Converting .FEEDBACK files may result in the loss of some data or formatting, particularly if the target format does not support all the features of the original file.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Structured Feedback: The .FEEDBACK file format provides a structured way to capture and organize feedback, making it easier for designers to understand and implement suggested changes.
  2. Integration with SketchFlow: Since .FEEDBACK files are specifically designed to work with SketchFlow, they integrate seamlessly into the design process, allowing for quick review and iteration.
  3. XML-based Format: The use of XML as the underlying format makes .FEEDBACK files flexible, easy to read, and compatible with other tools that support XML.
  4. Collaborative Design: The format supports collaborative design efforts, enabling multiple stakeholders to contribute feedback, which can then be consolidated and reviewed in a single file.


  1. Limited Compatibility: The .FEEDBACK file format is specific to SketchFlow, which means it has limited compatibility with other design tools. Users who do not use SketchFlow may find it challenging to open and interpret these files.
  2. Dependency on SketchFlow: Since the format is closely tied to SketchFlow, any issues with the software or its discontinuation could render the files less useful.
  3. Learning Curve: Users unfamiliar with XML or the SketchFlow environment may face a learning curve when trying to understand or edit .FEEDBACK files manually.

How to Open FEEDBACK?

Open In Windows

  • SketchFlow: The primary method for opening .FEEDBACK files is using SketchFlow within Microsoft Expression Studio. Users can load these files directly into a SketchFlow project to review and act on the feedback.
  • Text Editor: Since .FEEDBACK files are XML-based, they can be opened with any text editor like Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code. However, this will only display the raw XML data and will not provide the interactive features of SketchFlow.

Open In Linux

  • Text Editor: Linux users can open .FEEDBACK files using text editors such as Gedit or Vim. The XML content will be viewable, but without the SketchFlow integration.
  • Wine: For those who need to use SketchFlow on Linux, running it through Wine might be an option, though it may not be fully compatible.

Open In MAC

  • Text Editor: Users on macOS can open .FEEDBACK files using text editors like Sublime Text or Atom. Similar to Windows, this will display the XML content but will not provide the interactive functionality of SketchFlow.
  • Virtual Machine/Boot Camp: To use SketchFlow on macOS, users can set up a Windows virtual machine using software like Parallels Desktop or VirtualBox, or use Boot Camp to run Windows natively on their Mac.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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