.FEY File Extension

.FEY File Extension

FCS Express Layout File

Developer De Novo Software

Average rating 4 / 5. Vote count: 4

Category Page Layout Files
Format .FEY
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an FEY file?

The .FEY file extension is associated with FCS Express, a specialized software used in flow cytometry data analysis.

Specifically, .FEY files are used to store layouts created within FCS Express, defining how data is presented and analyzed within the software.

This article delves into the origin, structure, conversion methods, and usability of .FEY files across different operating systems.

More Information.

The history of .FEY files align with the evolution of flow cytometry software. FCS Express emerged as a user-friendly alternative for analyzing flow cytometry data, initially focusing on enhancing user interface design and data visualization.

The introduction of .FEY files allowed researchers and clinicians to save their analysis setups, including gating strategies, statistical parameters, and visual layouts, facilitating reproducibility and collaboration in research settings.

Origin Of This File.

FCS Express, developed by De Novo Software, is renowned in the scientific community for its robust capabilities in flow cytometry analysis.

Flow cytometry is a technique used to measure and analyze multiple characteristics of cells and particles, making it crucial in biomedical research and clinical diagnostics.

The .FEY file extension was introduced as part of FCS Express to save and share layouts, which are configurations defining how data from flow cytometry experiments are displayed and interpreted.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.FEY files are structured to store various parameters essential for data analysis in FCS Express. The technical specifications include:

  • Layout Configuration: Defines the arrangement of plots, graphs, and statistical outputs within the FCS Express interface.
  • Gating Information: Specifies the gating strategies applied to flow cytometry data to isolate subsets of interest.
  • Data Transformations: Describes any transformations applied to raw data for visualization and analysis.
  • Analysis Settings: Includes statistical methods, scales, and color schemes used to interpret and present data effectively.

The file structure is optimized for rapid loading and processing within the FCS Express software environment, ensuring smooth workflow integration for users across different experimental setups.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .FEY files to other formats generally involve exporting data rather than the layout itself. To convert .FEY files:

  1. Export Data: FCS Express allows exporting analyzed data in various standard formats like CSV, PDF, or Excel, but it typically retains layout-specific details within .FEY files.
  2. Save as Template: Users can save layouts as templates within FCS Express, which can then be used to create new .FEY files or applied to other datasets.
  3. Third-party Tools: Some third-party tools might offer limited conversion options for .FEY files, focusing more on data extraction rather than layout replication.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Reproducibility: .FEY files enable researchers to reproduce complex data analyses consistently, enhancing research integrity.
  2. Collaboration: Facilitates sharing of analysis setups between team members and collaborators, fostering collaborative research efforts.
  3. Customization: Users can customize layouts to suit specific experimental requirements, improving data interpretation efficiency.


  1. Software Dependency: .FEY files are primarily compatible with FCS Express, limiting accessibility without the software.
  2. Version Compatibility: Issues may arise when sharing .FEY files between different versions of FCS Express, requiring version alignment.
  3. File Size: Complex layouts may result in larger file sizes, affecting storage and transfer speeds.

How to Open FEY?

Open In Windows

  • Install FCS Express: Download and install FCS Express from the De Novo Software website.
  • Double-click: Simply double-click the .FEY file. It should automatically open in FCS Express, displaying the layout and analysis configuration.

Open In Linux

Currently, FCS Express is not natively supported on Linux. To open .FEY files on Linux:

  • Use Wine: Install Wine, a compatibility layer that allows running Windows applications on Linux. Then, install FCS Express through Wine and attempt to open the .FEY file.

Open In MAC

  • Install FCS Express for macOS: Obtain FCS Express specifically designed for macOS from the De Novo Software website.
  • Double-click: Like on Windows, double-click the .FEY file. It will launch FCS Express, where you can view and interact with the layout saved in the .FEY file.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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